A question regarding control rig and how to use it in conjunction with the same skeleton’s Animation Blueprint, either I’m doing it wrong or this doesn’t work in general…
What I’d like to achieve is Live Link motion capture of a Perception Neuron is running through a control rig, the bones in the control rig then affect the transform of Controls and these are then extracted in a Blueprint, for the intention of being able to send the data elsewhere.
Where I’m getting stuck is that when a Skeleton has a Control rig attached to it in Blueprints, it seems to stop the Animation Blueprint from working, and thus I can’t extract any of the controls.
Here’s my setup:
Live Link into the Animation Blue Print
I can’t extract transforms in the event graph as the Perception Neuron only sends rotational data, so evaluating a frame won’t work.
I’ve used a Control Rig in the animation Blueprint but the Output doesn’t allow me to extract a transform, only input one.
When I bring the Skeletal Mesh into a new Actor Blueprint, along with a control rig and connect the Animation Blueprint, I’m still getting Livelink data as expected -
But one I attach this skeletal mesh to it’s associated Control Rig, it prevents the anim BP from playing, and thus preventing me from getting the control data out of the anim.
This is the control rig, it’s only got a couple of bits added at the mo and I’ve tried different order to the solving and whether a bone controls a Control or vice versa, but to no avail.
What my expected outcome would be is that the anim BP would still be taking livelink data in, and the bones would then drive the control rig, thus allowing me to extract the transform data of each joint in the Actor Blueprint.
I realise that you can extract the joint transform directly in the Actor Blueprint without the need for a Control Rig, however this way feels limited then in it’s possibilities, my aim was to have Control Rigs being able to control other Control Rigs in a puppeteer-like way.