Animation Blueprint Overrides don't seem to work properly?

recently I’ve started working with and digging into Animation Blueprints. In my case I have a lot of Creatures I would like to control via Blueprints that more or less require the same kind of structure. After some research I came across this neat little feature “Animation Blueprint Overrides” which basically allows you to inherit Animation Blueprints for different skeletons based on an Animation Blueprint Template. So far so good.

However, I encountered a very annoying issue. Once I create a child Animation Blueprint, based on my master Animation Blueprint Template, I have the opportunity to use the “Anim Graph Overrides” window and replace any animation sequence or Blendspace that was used in the master. In theory the child animation blueprint should behave exactly like my master animation blueprint template with the only exception that it now uses the new animation sequences and blendspaces I set up. But what actually happens is that unreal simply keeps playing the animation asset I’ve overwritten most recently.

I am not quite sure if I am doing something wrong or if this is by design and I just misunderstood the purpose of Anim Graph Overrides. Anyways I hope someone can help me to figure it out :slight_smile: