I made a system where when i call the “attack function” it sets “is attacking” to true and ABP plays the “attack” animation, at the attack animation i made a notify at the end frame of animation that sets a boolean to true
and this booelan sets anim back to idle.
Its working for 1 time but because that i dont reset both of booleans it wont work for the second time. How could i manage to reset them?
The answer seems pretty straightforward to me if I’m not missing something here. You would only need one bool type variable to determine if the attack is still in action. You can just set that single variable to true / false once you trigger the attack and back to false / true once it’s done. Then you can plug it into the transition conditions, just remember to plug it to a “Not Bool” node before plugging it into one of the 2 transition conditions
I don’t think I understand. If you handle the montage in the character blueprint, you can just declare the variable there and cast it to your animation blueprint.