Animation Blueprint Error | Failed to find index for a saved pose

Hey I’ve trying to make my character’s animation blueprint but I encountered an issue while trying to compile it: Failed to find index for a saved pose node while building ordered pose list.
I’ve searched on the engine source and it seems that is related to the cached poses, here is the code snippet from where the error is called:
File : FAnimBlueprintCompilerHandler_CachedPose

FCachedPoseIndices& OrderedSavedPoseIndices = OutCompiledData.GetOrderedSavedPoseIndicesMap().FindOrAdd(RootNode->Node.Name);

		for(UAnimGraphNode_SaveCachedPose* PoseNode : OrderedSavePoseNodes)
			if(const int32* NodeIndex = InCompilationContext.GetAllocatedAnimNodeIndices().Find(PoseNode))
				InCompilationContext.GetMessageLog().Error(TEXT("Failed to find index for a saved pose node while building ordered pose list."));

I couldnt seem to find any help online, if anyone knows something about it, please help me thanks.

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I meet the same question, i find my animationblueprint use pose node which i already delete,so check the position where you use deleted poase node.

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