Animation Blueprint Deforming Character

I had made an animation blueprint in another game that worked perfectly. I am working on a new game now and I want to use that same animation blueprint. I add the Skeleton, Mesh, Animation, and Blueprint to the new project. I then made sure that the mesh and all animation were connected to the skeleton. When I preview the animations they work fine. Now when I compile the animation blueprint, I get this:


I have my character set up with the proper mesh and I attached the animation blueprint to my character as well.

Any ideas as to why my character is being horribly deformed? Thanks in advance!

Update: It seems like an issue with the blend space assets. They don’t play when I preview them.

I figured out what I did wrong. I transferred the assets using windows explorer inside up using the migrate option in the UE4 editor (right click and asset > migrate > select new games content folder). So I deleted it all and transferred the assets in correctly and now it works!