Animation Blueprint Blend without Looping?

Hey all,

I’m working on a turn-based battle system where clicking an attack triggers an animation. I’m using an AnimBP to “Blend Poses by int” for switching which animations to play.

The problem I’m running into is that the Animation Sequence has to have “Loop Animation” checked on or the animation will only ever play once. When Looping is checked on, I am having trouble getting the timing set up correctly, so if the attack time takes 2 seconds and the animation is 1.5 seconds, the animation restarts mid attack, and then on the next call the animation starts in the middle instead of from the beginning. Is there a best practice for approaching this? The two solutions I can think of would be to either:

A – Somehow have the animation only trigger once, and reset the looping variable after it plays (I tried this and could not get it to work)


B – Somehow get the animation Play Rate and timing to line up perfectly, which will be tedious per character and might still glitch out if there is a process lag.

Thoughts? A link to the gameplay issue is below:

I would use AnimMontages for this: Animation Montage | Unreal Engine Documentation
That way you can change the play rate if needed, and also set up parts of animations that don’t loop and parts that loop and so on. You will have to move the animation logic into the event graph though and set up a slot node in the anim graph.