Animation blending the wrong way

I am using a 3dsMax Biped rig of the UE4 Mannequin (found on the internet) in order to create and export animations into unreal. The animations export fine, and at first they appear to be exactly what I want. HOWEVER, when I attempt to put these animations into my animation graph, the result is strange.

When the animation nears completion and begins to blend into the next animation in the state machine, animation A blends into animation B the wrong way. As an example, I have a simple animation where the character swings a bat. After the Bat Swing, the character returns to the Idle animation. The Bat Swing is a full animation, so at the end of the animation, the character is just about reset at the Idle position anyway. The problem is that when the blend occurs, for some reason, Unreal is blending the spine all the way back around to return to the Idle animation. Instead of a seamless blend between two simple animations, the result is a frightening “exorcist” effect where the character’s upper body spins nearly 360 degrees in the wrong direction to return to the Idle animation.

I am experiencing this problem with all of the animations that I have exported from 3dsMax. I’m not very experienced with 3dsMax so it’s very possible that there is an issue in the way that I am exporting the fbx. However, seeing as the animation behaves almost perfectly despite this one issue, I wonder if there is a way to remedy it in Persona. Thanks for any help!

I don’t use 3dsmax but it sounds like a problem in the state machine. Can you post a pic of it and list your transitions/conditions?

In the example I gave above, the transition is simple enter on a true bool, exit on a false one. As straightforward as you can get. I’ve done it a million times exactly the same way but it seems that for some reason I get this weird “incorrect” interpolation between the two animations only on those animations I exported using the biped rig.

I personally suspect it’s not a problem with the transition rules, but I agree it could be in the state machine. Maybe in some of the advanced settings of states?

Still having this issue on 4.12.3

Any help would be very much appreciated

I know this is years later but to anyone who may have this issue and stumbled upon this post, I found that if the root bone was wrongly orientated in the idle animation, it cause the character to spin 360 when blending back.

Hope this is helpful to anyone in the future making their way down the rabbit hole of unreal animation bugs.