Animation Blending Causing Double Audio Notify

Is this problem still unresolved? I have the same issue with Wwise AkEvent notifiers.

Have you figured out a way?

Hey all, I think I am facing this kind of issue. when my player character dies, the death animation plays once but the audio event plays twice (the audio event is using audiokineticā€™s wwise)

I am using 1 anim notify to trigger the audio event at 0 frames on the death animation. This method works fine with other animations like attacking, getting hit etc. Only the death anim is not working.
Any help is appreciated.
btw I am using WWISE 2019.2.6 and UE 4.25

Yoyo -

So, I had this issue and found a fix. I definitely made the change in the blendspace to favor the highest weighted. I did not do anything funky with the weights as it didnā€™t appear to affect the problem.

What I eventually found is that the animation was playing on both the server and client, which was causing the anim notify to double up and get called twice, producing two sounds. I added a simple IsServer branch to the anim notify BP and then ignored the client notify, letting the server one through to fire the multicast sounds.

Works like a charm. Hope it helps!