Hi everyone
I’m new to ue4 and right now I dont have any experience with creating animations in ue4. Thats probably why i got a little confused. I was searching for tutorials about animations in ue4 and I only found tutorials about animation blueprints. So I’m not even sure if you can do animations in ue4 or is it just so bad that noone uses it?
For animation, rigging and morphing is it better to do it in blender and import it or can you do it in ue4?
I have an other question about importing from blender. My idea was using for different characters the same bodymesh to save time. So i wondered if it was a good idea to seperate body from hair, clothes and so on and then import them seperat to ue4 and build the character there or is it better to create the whole characters in blender?
I hope someone has experience in this and can help me.