Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

I think it’s likely. They rejected having my plugin for blender on the unreal store claiming “it’s not for unreal” (which it literally is, since you can’t animate anything but unreal skeletons with it), but at the same time they added a few things that have “nothing to do with unreal” themself (like art v2)

Anyone got any ideas how to fix this issue, its not showing the fbx export for this maya file. all my other animation files can export just fine.

well i didnt fix the error but i was still able to export it by hitting the add sequence button! i was about to be berry sad

Please record a video with the correct rig on any human character on the ARTv 2.

It looks like a lot of conversation has been had about getting this work to on MacOS. I’ve spent the last hour trying to get this to work on my end with no luck. I can’t get Maya to ask me locate the tools directory in the first place. It appears to be built into the UE Mac version install:

I’ve also tried using the additional links and instructions in the dropbox and GitHub locations as well.

I have Maya 2018 student version. I’d just do this on my Windows, but AutoDesk won’t let me download Maya anymore cause I graduated, so my only option is to make it work via my Mac.

Has anyone been able to get this to work?

I also have this problem, if someone has a solution, please tell me


I’ve hit a weird problem that I’m finding difficult to solve. My feet controls and their pivots are all offset from where I put them before I did the rig build.

I figured I’d dig into the rig and just move the pivot… I’ve moved about six or so pivots (All that I found) from there but the thing still controls like it’s offset forwards (as you see in the picture). What info do you need to help me solve?

I’m on Windows 10, Maya 2019, the feet only had a ball joint (no toes), I placed the four feet edge sphere things where they should be. I did this earlier today and it was all offset down under the foot. The mesh was all zeroed out. I’m working Z-Up. I tried using ARTv2 but that’s honestly not ready yet.

I hope you can point me in the right direction. Thanks!


Wow after two days of fiddling… I switched my units from meters to cm and it worked. I assume it may be a decimal limitation causing it to be inaccurate.

I’m not having luck with getting it to run in Maya2020. Have I installed it correctly? Trying to use the A.R.T 2.0 menu options gives me the following error:

# Error: AttributeError: file D:/Documents/maya/2020/ARTv2/Core/Scripts\ThirdParty\ line 88: 'module' object has no attribute 'QStringListModel'

I placed the ARTv2 folder into my Maya folder, drag & dropped the install.mel into Maya and let it run. I restarted Maya, and then enabled the plugins. Did I do something wrong? Cheers.

I’ve experienced the same problem. Reading into the issue it seems to be a general problem with plugins being written under older versions of pyside2. If you Google it, you’ll find that line can be replaced with

QtGui.QStringListModel = QtCore.QStringListModel

and it will proceed, but just onto another bug. Unless you wanna update the code I think it’s safe to say one should try and find another option until artv2 reaches its final stage or development picks up again - or something else pops up at some point.

Anyone know if this works with Maya 2020.1? Thanks.

Glad I’m not the only one not able to run this in maya 2020. I installed it in maya 2018 and it works. This looks like a great toolset, I hope he is able to finish it.

Cheers. Yeah i was able to get ART1 to work in 2020, but not ART2

I’m having a problem with the fingers not following the arms in IK mode. I’ve tried to troubleshoot the issue but can’t seem to resolve it. It doesn’t seem to be a problem with the set driven keys on the constraints.

ARTv1, Maya 2019

Thanks !

Is there any way at all we can someday get updates to this again? This hasn’t had fixes in years. I’ve began hacking around in the code a bit myself to fix some fundamental issues. It seems like some of the features just don’t work whether I use maya 2014 or 2020.

Oddly enough I’ve been using this with maya 2020. It seems to degrade my maya slowly over time and I have to wipe my user prefs to get things working again.

It’s a good tool overall but with random bugs here and there. The space switching makes it great for reloading animations.

Hey there, has anyone noticed that the ROM (range of motion tool is not working? So far I selected all bones and then ran it and it only created a range of motion for the foot.
Is this tool half made? why is this not a finished article?

When I click a bone it gives me this:

// Error: <bound method SkeletonBuilder_UI.rangeOfMotion_OutlinerSelect of <ART_skeletonBuilder_UI.SkeletonBuilder_UI instance at 0x00000 //
// Error: Line 1.1: Syntax error //
(script editor)

I have so far had to input the coding that you have stated online to even get the IK FK tool to work?!!??!
I am an animator using a broken tool here, help a guy out pleas?

I would imagine if this is made from the official unreal engine I would expect this to work. This is crazy. Can unreal please fix this tool.
Can anyone also perhaps help me on this question also.

Thank you

This is so strange - this is now working, I select the bones and select hierarchy, then use the tool and now it works… Im getting confused. will move on now, thx

Thank you,
This worked for me in Maya 2020

I’m starting to transition over to artv2 as well. It has the occasional script error but seems to be working pretty well so far after I fix the errors manually. If I can, I will transition over to V2 even though this is technically beta. It seems to work better than V1 so far. In V1 it’s almost impossible to do anything related to creating new rigs. V2 also works with maya default Y up which I prefer. Maya doesn’t actually handle Z up as well as it should.

As an update, I got some pretty good results with ART V2 but the IK legs don’t work right. The knee twist behaves unpredictably and also the foot randomly twists itself while the ball stays in the right spot. In FK it’s fine.

I was able to hack around the occasional syntax error but this is a fundamental issue that I’m not sure I can fix myself. In fact I’d prefer IK legs that use a pole vector aimer anyway like the arms do.

I‘m new to UE and still learning. In fact I‘m here because of the possibilities of the ViveMocap plugin.
Great, but retargeting with Mixamo characters is difficult ( for me ). Anyone here who is willing to set up a project in ViveMocap with a standard Mixamo character? I‘d pay for that.
The retargeting to custom Mixamo characters I would then do in Cinema4d, where I feel more at home.
Anyone interested?
Would be great!!!

For that price… Are you kidding me? :astonished: