Having issues with installing ARTv2 into Maya 2016. I fixed the line 54 error, but then I get this error on 55.
// This script installs and loads the ARTv2 plugin, and configures it to load automatically.
// To run, open the Script Editor and Source the file.
// Dummy procedure used to locate the source script file path
global proc scriptLocator (){}
// Return path to directory containing this script
global proc string scriptLocation ()
string $whatIs=whatIs scriptLocator
string $fullPath=substring $whatIs 25 999
; // Strip the human-readable preamble before the file path
python(“import os”); // Just in case this hasn’t been imported already by some other scope
return python(“os.path.dirname(’” + $fullPath + “’)”);
string $scriptLocation = scriptLocation();
python(“import os”);
python(“home = os.path.expanduser(”~")");
// Generate platform-relevant path to user's Maya modules directory.
if (about -os
== “mac”)
python(“mayaModDir = os.path.join(home, ‘Library’, ‘Preferences’, ‘Autodesk’, ‘maya’, ‘modules’”);
python(“mayaModDir = os.path.join(home, ‘maya’, ‘modules’)”);
python(“scriptLoc = '” + $scriptLocation + “’”);
// Attempt to generate relative path to the script, otherwise use the install script's location
// NB: This is formatted to look like 4 lines, but it's actually a single
// string containing 2 logical lines manually broken with
modDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(scriptLoc, mayaModDir))
modDir = scriptLoc”);
// Set up names and paths for generating the module file
python(“modName = ‘ARTv2’”);
python(“modFileName = modName + ‘.mod’”);
python(“modFile = os.path.join(scriptLoc, modFileName)”);
python(“newModFile = os.path.join(mayaModDir, modFileName)”);
python(“replace_str = ‘REPLACE_TO_YOUR_PATH’”);
// Create new module file from template
python(“if not os.path.exists(mayaModDir): os.path.os.makedirs(mayaModDir)”);
python(“with open(modFile, ‘r’) as f: template = f.read()”);
python(“with open(newModFile, ‘w’) as f: f.write(template.replace(replace_str, modDir))”);
// Load plugin and set to auto-load
loadModule -ld python("newModFile")
string $result = confirmDialog -title "ARTv2" -message "ARTv2 installed! Maya will now close. Please restart Maya \ and load the ARTv2 plugin (set auto-load as well!) and follow the prompts." -button "Finish"
quit -force;
Error: line 55: IOError: file <maya console> line 1: 2
Any help is GREATLY appreciated.