Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Hello guys, I really need help for this. Since ART doesn’t have facial rigger, so I had to make my own (simple) facial rig, but I have difficulty in attaching the rig to the ART rig.

What workflow should I do to attach my custom rig to the ART skeleton? I’m using ART V1

I tried attaching (parenting) my custom rig to the head bone, but after the build control step, I couldn’t able to move the bone from the custom rig I made.
So, help? What should I do?
Thank you.

Hi guys! I’m trying to edit the Mannequin run animation in maya and reimporting back into unreal. However when I do so the ankle joint makes the foot rotate everywhere. I’ve tried everything to fix this but I’m stumped. Any ideas?
[video][/video] <— What it looks like in unreal
[video] - Google Drive <---- what it looks like in Maya

Wondering if anyone has a found a workaround to a issue im having with Artv2. After I skin my character and build I go back to edit rig to fix some skinning issues but the skinning window wont open. The character opens pre skinned but there is no Artv2 window, If I select rig creator to try to build it again it just says it cant be unlocked. Anyone know how to get the built character back to skinning?

Also getting error when trying to export animations, first it said legacy renderer not enabled in maya and stopped the export. I turned on legacy renderer then after trying to export again I get python interperter stops working.

Can anyone help me with this?
Why is only part of the rig/mesh showing? I don’t know what the problem is, I followed the tutorial perfectly but I have this issue.
Please help!

Can I have a link for ART2? Github link is 404. Please someone reupload this.

Hi Barulick. You don’t have access to the folder unless your unreal account is linked to your github account (you need a github account).
It’s easy to fix, go to your profile settings in Unreal. There is a connected accounts section enter your github username. Once your accounts are connected you’ll have access to the Unreal source code and ARTv2.

Having issues with installing ARTv2 into Maya 2016. I fixed the line 54 error, but then I get this error on 55.

// This script installs and loads the ARTv2 plugin, and configures it to load automatically.
// To run, open the Script Editor and Source the file.

      // ---- GLOBAL PROCEDURES ----

     // Dummy procedure used to locate the source script file path

global proc scriptLocator (){}

     // Return path to directory containing this script

global proc string scriptLocation ()
string $whatIs=whatIs scriptLocator;
string $fullPath=substring $whatIs 25 999; // Strip the human-readable preamble before the file path
python(“import os”); // Just in case this hasn’t been imported already by some other scope
return python(“os.path.dirname(’” + $fullPath + “’)”);

       // ---- INSTALLATION SCRIPT ----

string $scriptLocation = scriptLocation();

python(“import os”);
python(“home = os.path.expanduser(”~")");

      // Generate platform-relevant path to user's Maya modules directory.

if (about -os == “mac”)
python(“mayaModDir = os.path.join(home, ‘Library’, ‘Preferences’, ‘Autodesk’, ‘maya’, ‘modules’”);
python(“mayaModDir = os.path.join(home, ‘maya’, ‘modules’)”);
python(“scriptLoc = '” + $scriptLocation + “’”);

          // Attempt to generate relative path to the script, otherwise use the install script's location
          // NB: This is formatted to look like 4 lines, but it's actually a single
          // string containing 2 logical lines manually broken with 

modDir = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(scriptLoc, mayaModDir))

modDir = scriptLoc”);

          // Set up names and paths for generating the module file

python(“modName = ‘ARTv2’”);
python(“modFileName = modName + ‘.mod’”);
python(“modFile = os.path.join(scriptLoc, modFileName)”);
python(“newModFile = os.path.join(mayaModDir, modFileName)”);
python(“replace_str = ‘REPLACE_TO_YOUR_PATH’”);

           // Create new module file from template

python(“if not os.path.exists(mayaModDir): os.path.os.makedirs(mayaModDir)”);
python(“with open(modFile, ‘r’) as f: template =”);
python(“with open(newModFile, ‘w’) as f: f.write(template.replace(replace_str, modDir))”);

           // Load plugin and set to auto-load

loadModule -ld python("newModFile");

string $result = confirmDialog -title "ARTv2" -message "ARTv2 installed! Maya will now close. Please restart Maya \ and load the ARTv2 plugin (set auto-load as well!) and follow the prompts." -button "Finish";

quit -force;

Error: line 55: IOError: file <maya console> line 1: 2

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

EDIT: So it looks like this is a Python/Qt/PySide/etc version problem since exporting from the tool works in 2016 but then fails out in 2017/2018. (There was a big change between 2016 to 2017+) Does anyone have a workaround for exporting animations from 2017+?

--------Original Post----------------

Hi all! (Hopefully Epic is still watching this page?)

I tried digging though the pages on this thread to see if this issue was already solved, but it’s kind of hard to separate the comments from Art v1 versus Art v2 - apologies if this was already answered.

We’ve created a rig using ARTv2 tools, and are able to import animation fine (exported as FBX from Unreal). We’re unable to export animations using the Export Motion tool built into the Animation Tools.

Process is:
1: save animation scene
2: select export motion button from Animation Tools panel
3: add a sequence
4: designate export path
5: “export”
6: (yes, I’m aware that I should have saved the scene)
7: watch the mayapy command box pop up
8: let the scene reload

Result: We get a file in the location where we wanted to save an fbx, and no fbx file.
(script output below)

// Warning: file: [rig file path] line 1196790: You must either select the affected nodes or specify them on the command line. //
// Warning: file: [rig file path] line 1196793: You must either select the affected nodes or specify them on the command line. //
// Warning: file: [rig file path] line 1196796: You must either select the affected nodes or specify them on the command line. //
// Warning: file: [rig file path] line 1196799: You must either select the affected nodes or specify them on the command line. //
// Warning: line 1215: The default image may not be modified. Use the -i/image flag instead. //

Warning: Cycle on ‘character:leg_l_thigh_mover_offset.scale’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘character:leg_r_thigh_mover_offset.scale’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘character:torso_spine_03_mover.scale’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘character:leg_l_ball_mover_offset.scale’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘character:leg_r_ball_mover_offset.scale’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss.

Please check the Script Editor for details. #

Read 2 files in 8.4 seconds.

Read 2 files in 8.4 seconds.

// Error: file: [rig file path] line 5: Unknown Maya file version: 2018ff07. //


The generated log file also includes these lines:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “[local path]/ARTv2/Core/Scripts/System/”, line 392, in <module>
File “[local path]/ARTv2/Core/Scripts/System/”, line 30, in fbx_export
cmds.file(str(sys.argv[1]), open=True, ignoreVersion=True, force=True, prompt=False)

Any help would be greatly appreciated - whether that’s a code fix, process fix, or even a work-around.


I had this error on one of our installs, but the tool still loaded correctly on relaunching maya. I think it’s just failing on the “success!” pop up.

The workaround we’re going to use in the meanwhile is to just select the ‘character:root’ joint objects in the outliner and “export selected” through Maya’s native tools as a workaround - just in case anyone else gets stuck unable to export until this portion of the tool is updated to work with Maya 2017+.

Any rough idea when the ART tool will be updated to work with Maya 2018? Thanks. :slight_smile:

You guys should really take a look at Akeytsu. Even as an experienced rigger/TA I’ll never go back to using Maya+ART.

Minor addition from my experience 5.5) In the ART. 2.0 dropdown, click Rig Creator to test. You may need to restart Maya for this to work the first time.

thanks A LOT man

My process to install it wasn’t easy, you can try this:

1: Run the install.mel , ignore the error.
2: Open the maya plugin manager, browse to artv2 plugins folder, add, enable artv2 if it asks for a folder point it to the artv2 folder, its gonna error out a few times possibly

at this stage idk what really happens, but as long as you can open the artv2 settings tab and point it to the right folders for the plugin to work you are on the right path

3: Go into your artv2 folder plugins, copy the into your maya plugins folder directly
4: Restart maya artv2 wont be auto loaded, run install.mel again, open plugins manager again, browse to the maya plugins folder add artv2 , enable it and set auto load.
5: Restart maya , artv2 will auto load and work as well as a native plugin if not better, I also have artv1 installed as well.

Runs flawlessly for me, no code changes, and no errors. Haven’t seen a single issue besides the aforementioned editing a previously built rig didnt seem to work one time.

*Animation export, depends on what you are after, for me I try to export, but nothing seems to happen, an file appears in the directly you save your scene in.

*I open this file directly after trying to export, and follow standard maya animation export procedures to bake out and export the fbx file manually, and then stick it in unreal engine just fine.

*Unfortunately importing the fbx as an animation into the artv2 toolkit seems only half functional:

1: your frame timer will be off, so set that to the proper values.
2: the rig will ignore the animation, idk if this is intended or not but, it is what it is.

I dont mind the minor issues, for my purposes this toolkit is about 90% functional for my current project. If you are working on something overly complex, the issues will pile up and make it very difficult to continue. So try it out at your own risk, if you can manage to get it working, and can work around the limitations and minor issues you won’t be disappointed.

After installing the plugin in Maya 2018, I got the following error on every item:
**# Error: WindowsError: file C:/Program Files/ARTv2/Core/Scripts\System\ line 54: 5

Is that a incompatible thing with Maya 2018?**

Can you share or reuse skeletons or skeleton modules among different characters in Akeytsu without creating the hierarchy from scratch each time you have to rig a bunch of characters in a limited amount of time? From my experience Akeytsu is great for animation with all the auto-cycle, layering, onion skin and the ease of use. But not so great for rigging complex game characters. Yet.

ART v2 is very unstable in Maya 2018. The developer says he is negotiating the distribution options with his current employer. And he is not sharing the latest version with all the fixes and stuff until they figure it out. I personally can’t see why not share it through Github like the current version we have if it’s promised to be free anyway. Sounds a lot like going proprietary ))

Try AdvancedSkeleton. It’s free if you’re not going commercial, and it works in Maya 2018.

Well actually we are going commercial so we are implementing our own rigging system. Not as advanced as the ART is, but at least it works and we know all the ins and outs of it.