Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

Hey ,

Thanks for the reply on the flipping knee issue with the mocap, I followed your advices and looks like everything is working properly!

About ART V2…if possible I would like to be a beta tester, especially because I’m eager to check the new face module :slight_smile:

Updated dropbox with the favorite project stuff for edit character:
Dropbox - Scripts - Simplify your life?


Here is an example from a post script to create custom spaces in the rig build process/rig file:

pairs = "weapon_l_anim", "driver_hand_l"], "weapon_r_anim", "driver_hand_r"]]

for pair in pairs:
	control = pair[0]
	spaceObj = pair[1]
	spaceSwitchFollow = control + "_space_switcher_follow"
	spaceSwitchNode = control + "_space_switcher"
	#add attr to the space switcher node
	cmds.addAttr(ln = "space_" + spaceObj, minValue = 0, maxValue = 1, dv = 0, keyable = True)
	#add constraint to the new object on the follow node
	constraint = cmds.parentConstraint(spaceObj, spaceSwitchFollow, mo = True)[0]
	#hook up connections
	targets = cmds.parentConstraint(constraint, q = True, targetList = True)
	weight = 0
	for i in range(int(len(targets))):
	    if targets*.find(spaceObj) != -1:
		weight = i
	cmds.connectAttr(spaceSwitchNode + ".space_" + spaceObj, constraint + "." + spaceObj + "W" + str(weight))
	#lockNode on space object so it cannot be deleted by the user (if node is not a referenced node)
	if spaceObj.find(":") == -1:

Thank you!!

Used persona to key new additive layer track and the newly keyed track does not show up in blendspace or in the montage, is that a real issue or I´m not doing something right?

No idea. Not really my area of expertise! Might want to try in answerhub.

Yeah, there is a question there from september, still with no answear =/

can you paste the link? I can forward it along to someone who would know.

Of course!

Thank you very much!

We are close to release, so we would like to finish editing the animations asap


When I try to build a default mannequin, default settings all the way, Maya 2016 Ext 2 throws me these errors when hitting “Build”… I get to take the thumbnail but then it fails and throws this error: # Error: RuntimeError: file E:/Program_files/Epic Games/4.12/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 8758: Error occurred during execution of MEL script

I really hope you guys plan to support Maya 2016 Ext…

Why is maya 2016 making the rig look shaded funny (tried diff lighting modes) and also throwing a bunch of warnings?
Tried both maya 2016 stock as well as extension 2. Same issue, how can I fix it? I used the new files in the OP, any idea?
Its not a perspective thing, its like somethings bugged somewhere or something

Their normals are inverted, select the geometry shape nodes and uncheck ‘opposite’

Edit: It’s under the “Render Stats” frame.

It appears you are using the 4.12 code, correct? I’d recommend grabbing the scripts from dropbox, as they always have latest code and updates.

So, I tried this in 2016 ext 2, and it worked…the first time.
When I tried it again, I got the error. Super hacky version is to delete the userRGBColors2.mel file in your 2016.5/prefs/ location. (it just contains color prefs, which unless you’ve customized, should be fine). once I did that, it would continue to work.
But since that is lame, I’ve updated the script as well in the dropbox location to catch that error if it happens and move on.

Dropbox - MayaTools - Simplify your life?

Is this a common thing thats been happening since 2015?
Must we have to use
Display > Polygons > backface culling
on every part of the mesh that has this problem with every new character that we create?

Also, any way to easily show the joints / skeleton ? Thnx

In 2015 this ‘Two-sided lighting’ defaulted to disabled:

Which is a good thing, because it shows you if your normals are backwards. The normals on those pieces of geometry are backwards which can happen with Maya’s horrible instancing functionality, the solution is as I mentioned the ‘Opposite’ attribute in render stats of the Shape node, basically Maya checks it in some cases while instancing for you, when it shouldn’t.

The solutions here are either going to the shape nodes and unchecking ‘opposite’ as I suggested which is a bit of a waste of time, or re-enabling ‘Two-sided lighting’ which means you lose visual feedback on incorrect normals.

The ideal solution is making ART disable opposite for you at generation.

I’m sure this gets asked like fifteen times a day, but is there any form of (informal) ETA on v2 of the ART? I love the blog posts, but they don’t give me any sort of indication whether I should get really excited for next week or keep it bottled until December or what have you.

Just read up on the stuff on your blog , ArtV2 looks awesome so far! Are you interested in beta testers?

Thanks very much for clearing it up! Was making sure it wasn’t just me.

May I ask how can I show the joints / skeleton ? When I try to use the outliner or unhide them weird things starts to happen where theres like half of a yellow skeleton n then like 1 giant skeleton n then a regular one, im not sure how to just view the regular rigs skeleton, so I can have better view of my animations

Hey, I’d like to build a rig for just a floating hand. So I created the default rig, did the T-pose thing and when it came to the skeleton, deleted all bones except [FONT=Courier New]root and [FONT=Courier New]hand_r and all children thereof, reattaching [FONT=Courier New]hand_r to [FONT=Courier New]root beforehand.

However, I can’t Build the Control Rig because the skeleton building tool throws an error:

Okay so I can’t manually delete the skeleton. Is there a way to achieve this? I really just want the hand, no the entire rig. But I like the built-in controls ART gives me when I create a Control Rig. I’ve created rigs manually before and I know the hands are where I lose hours upon hours easily. It’d be real sweet if I can just use ART instead.

hi,where can i find the plugin now in 4.12,i can found it in the path by help