Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap


Im desperately trying to get the Unreal Rigging ToolKit to work but I get this every time I try to create the rig.(see pic)

** I just read that the ToolKit is not working on Max, guessing that is the issue :))


I had to wait until after GDC as I couldn’t mention the going free thing :slight_smile:
Yes, you are all clear! We may need to make sure there is a copyright epic games or something in there, but I’ll check with legal on that now. In the meantime, please put it up, or send them to me at and I’ll make sure it gets into 4.8 officially :slight_smile:

(feel free to add a credit to yourself in the about UI!)
Thanks again! If we ever meet, I shall buy you a beer or 5 :slight_smile:

so this doesn’t sound like it’s rigging tools related, but yeah, that’s super weird. Definitely would need more info in order to help (like maya version, student version?, platform). Even better would be test files.

thanks to alexwidener, we should have one out very soon!

Hey all!

What a crazy GDC this year. Now you guys probably understand the lack of progress on the tools :slight_smile:
Now that we’re back, I’m hammering hard on the new version.
Here is a presentation I put together for the animators at work going over the tools in their current state.
Check it!

I got this back from legal this morning:
" UE4 no longer has a subscription fee, but distribution limitations still apply. You are welcome to share on Epic’s UnrealEngine GitHub network, but not on a public GitHub network." :frowning:

If you’re absolutely sure and don’t mind double checking, I would be happy to host it on my own Github so I can more reliably issue fixes and more people could easily grab it and participate.

So with that, it is now on MY branch of the Github network fork of the Epic Games Repository.
For the people who don’t know how to get to the source code:

  1. Create a github account. It’s free.
  2. Go to, click the blue Get Unreal in the top right corner.
  3. Click the linking your github account link.
  4. Follow the instructions.
  5. Then go to here: (You have to have gained access first via Epic approval - I think it’s very fast)
  6. On the right side click Download ZIP.
  7. When it’s on your computer, unzip & follow this folder structure: Engine > Extras > Maya_AnimationRiggingTools > ArtToolsOSX
  8. The folder that you want on your computer is “MayaTools” inside of ArtToolsOSX.
  9. Install like normal for Windows.

BTW, Github comments the code weirdly. No idea why. Doesn’t have an effect on the exectution. And I removed all of the spaced lines in the code with a regex edit.

Again, if you read the readme, you’ll see the 3 issues: 1) I can’t show the background images and the buttons simulataneously 2) I haven’t tested Perforce 3) Selection Image flag(On/off images for buttons - it’s Windows only). Also, student versions of Maya had a little bit of trouble, but when I worked on my work MacBook, I had no trouble at all.

So , if we can get this hosted publicly that would be awesome because it would be much easier to do that than for people to go through all of this that don’t know how to use github.

And feel free to include it with the next version, I don’t mind. I just updated the About window with my name/site/email at the bottom :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I’ll upload it to dropbox and e-mail it to you, .

If anyone needs help getting it installed on OS X, shoot me an e-mail. I work 9-5 PST, so I’ll usually answer after or before that.


I’ll see what I can do to streamline the process. It’s a pain for me too :confused: There is a specific branch in p4 that the releases come from, so if I forget to add latest there, it doesn’t go out.

Thanks alexwidener & , great news that alexwidener has worked some magic and managed to at least make this work on the Mac. I was just about to purchase Bzp Pro for a 90% discount until I found this discussion. Much prefer staying with UE4. I’ll give your instructions a couple of comments back a go when I get 5 minutes.
You really deserve a job at UE4 alexwidener, good luck…

Thanks Mark. Like I said, test it out first. I haven’t had a chance to test every single thing perfectly, and there were some differences between how the Windows version operated and the OS X version(like I mentioned with the student stuff) - so make a dummy rig first before you start working too intently on anything. I would love to have feedback whenever you get to it.

Btw - that Skinner is insanely overpriced - I would never purchase that, probably not even at 90% off. They’re obviously only marketing to studios. Check out ngSkinTools - only recently released as beta on mac, but is supported on Windows. And if you’re looking at bshps, check out Shapes by Brave Rabbit.

Hey alexwidener, the link you provided gives a 404 error. I managed to find your username over at GitHub but couldn’t find UnrealEngine.
Oh by the way - thanks for the heads up on the skinner…

The link gives you a 404 because you have to be approved through the Unreal Engine stuff. The Unreal Engine network is marked to private. You have to follow the steps I listed and then wait for approval to the Epic Github network(and be logged into Github).

Followed “join Epic Games” link provided in email sent by GitHub, which allowed me access to your link.
However still displays as private. The only web page I can download from is the link you provided. Download button disappears as soon as I make my way through the directory as you instructed.
Do Epic need to approve me manually before I am aloud access?

I updated the instructions to be more clear. That was my bad, I wrote it late at night, right before bed. You should download the “UnrealEngine” folder on the link that you are provided with, open on your computer, and then walk the directory to the folder.

Thanks , got it, now I just need to work out how to install…

Instructions for intallation: (and there’s a PDF of the original one in the MayaTools folder, just change the Windows stuff to be Mac compliant.)

Thanks again , I’m really not having any luck. The directory: /Users/youraccount/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/your maya version/scripts doesn’t exist on my mac. Don’t even have a Library folder under Users/Myaccount.
I also tried searching for the PDF that’s mentioned, but no luck. Feeling like a useless idiot at the moment.

Edit - Sorry , just remembered the file directory may be hidden. I’m sure User Library is, so I’ll give that a try.

So close!
Opened up Maya/Epic Game on menu bar - Character Rig Creator/ Error:

I can’t remember far enough back on this thread, but I have a feeling that Maya 2014 was mentioned. I have Maya 2015.

Thought it might be useful to include the Script Editor:
[SIZE=1]file -f -new;
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
// mental ray for Maya 2015
// Mental ray for Maya: using startup file /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015//maya.rayrc.
// mental ray for Maya: setup
// mental ray for Maya: initialize
// mental ray for Maya: register extensions
// mental ray Node Factory: loaded
// mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
// mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015//maya.rayrc
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/abcimport.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/abcimport.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/architectural.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/architectural.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/base.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/base.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/basehair.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/basehair.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/bifrostMR.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/bifrostMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/bifrostphenMR.mi
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/builtin_object_light.mi
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/contour.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/contour.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/layering.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/layering.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/layering_phen.mi
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/mrptex.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/mrptex.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/paint.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/paint.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/physics.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/physics.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/production.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/production.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/subsurface.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/subsurface.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/surfaceSampler.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/userdata.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/userdata.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/useribl.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/useribl.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/xgenMR.mi
// loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/xgenMR.dylib
// generating Maya nodes…
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Jul 26 2013 11:01:23)
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Jul 26 2013 11:01:23)

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skelCreation.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skelPlacement.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skeletonbuilder_templates.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/help.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skeletonbuilder_leaf.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skeletonbuilder_jiggle.bmp not found, using default.

Warning: Pixmap file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/skeletonbuilder_dynamic.bmp not found, using default.

Error: RuntimeError: file /Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts/ line 4579: Could not load or find icon “/Volumes/SSD 250Gb-02/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Icons/ART/aimModeOn.bmp”.


aimModwOn.bmp appears to be located inside an extra directory.

Take the MayaTools folder out of the UnrealEngine and place it somewhere on your computer. Like Desktop or something. Then, when it asks you to navigate to the directory, make sure you navigate to the MayaTools directory and select that directory, the one that says ‘MayaTools’

PDF for Windows:

Thanks , finally got there. I was looking at the wrong MayaTools folder, but all good now.
I will get stuck in over the next couple of days and provide you with some feedback.

Thanks again, brilliant!!!