Animation and Rigging Tools: FAQ, Known Issues and Feature Roadmap

I believe the joint mover file just needs to be opened in 2013, saved out as an ascii, and then changed to 2012 so it can then be opened there and saved out. I don’t have 2012 installed on my work or home machines anymore, or else I’d do that right away. However, I don’t think much testing has been done in 2012, so I have no idea what other issues you may run into. I imagine most of the UIs should work ok, but once it gets to the rigging part, not sure if there are any commands I’m using that weren’t available in 2012.

You are correct on that first part. Our animators would animate in 30 fps in Maya, and export to 60 or 120 for more fidelity (since the engine will interpolate between frames, getting more data in there, while making the file bigger, also means less interpolation for the engine to do, and thus less chances of it doing something you don’t want!)

I’m betting I wrote the weapon animation exporter before the engine supported scale :confused: It should be trivial to add. I’ll take a look tonight!

Thanks again for your support , it’s much appreciated.

Anytime :slight_smile:

Yep! I moved to Charcoal a few months ago and ran into this. Ended up going into Wing, converting tabs to spaces and that resolved it. Major PITA.
Thanks again for your contributions. Email me at if you want to talk about getting it integrated/credit

So the way we do this is by creating “IK” bones under the root of our skeleton. So our hierarchy might look like:

The ik_hand_l and ik_hand_r get constrained to their respective hand joints, and the same with the feet. The hand and foot roots are another layout on top to do terrain placement or procedural recoil whilst keeping the hands locked.
So the workflow here is, we bake those ik joints to their respective joints and export that data out. Then in engine, we use those Ik joints as our IK targets.

okay then :confused: Sorry to hear that. There have been many many updates in fact, but they are on V2.0 as I only have so much time. I’ll post an update on here soon with the latest progress on that front. You have to understand a couple things though when it comes to the tools and my position. The tools first and foremost serve our internal animation teams. My time also serves our internal project needs above all else (it’s how I get paid after all!) Any free time, which basically means time after work when I’m at home, is when I jump on the forums and do whatever small fixes I can on a toolset that for us, internally, is getting phased out. While I wish they were perfect and suited everyone’s needs, that’s just an unlikely scenario in my situation. I really do hope the next version will blow everyone’s socks off and make people super happy, but it’s still a few months out.

For other maya autoRig solutions, you can always try advancedSkeleton. I’ve heard good things and it’s free.

, I am so hooking you up with some swag or something :slight_smile: Thanks for jumping on here and providing assistance. Kick *** man!

I’m going to PM you :slight_smile:

Hi ,

I’m doing a direct port of the current version in 4.6.? Not sure exactly which version is out, but I downloaded it like two weeks ago. I want to have as few problems as possible when integrates it, so I’m not doing anything to change the core functionality. That said, there is unfortunately one flag that I’ve run into which is not on OSX, which is the selectionImage flag. Essentially this is the “alternate image” whenever a button is clicked. So the only thing that I’m working around there is that I’m going to check for the version and if it’s windows, pass the argument with the selectionImage flag and if it’s OS X, to not. I can’t really do anything to get around that, unfortunately.

But once ART is on PySide in the future, there should never be any problems with that.

Ah, I love Charcoal Editor! made a great tool with that. I have it and use it, but Maya’s always been kind of stable on OS X, so I use Sublime Text to keep the code I’m writing external in the event of a Maya Crash and I just use SublimeMaya by Israel to send the code directly to Maya. But Charcoal Editor is amazing. And I’ll definitely be e-mailing you once I think it’s in a good spot.

Each version of my character built with ART trips this error / warning when ‘Edit Existing Character | Export File’ is selected:

Error: line 1695: scriptedPanel: Object ‘Stereo’ not found.

Warning: ‘spine1_shapes.spine_1_bust’ is already connected to ‘spine2_shapes.spine_2_bust’.

This zeros out Stretch but not Squash in the entire character. It also zeros out Auto Shoulders, etc which has tripped me up. Personally I’d like to see Stretch, Squash, FK Sticky, Rotation Influence, Twist Amounts and Auto left alone or for another version of ZERO OUT ALL be added - giving us one that resets everything and one that leaves configuration data alone.

ZERO OUT ALL misses rotations on clavicle_X_anim. Rotation channels are hidden but not locked on this control. Manipulating clavicle_X_anim seems to take action on upperarm_X instead of its namesake. But if I want to translate a clavical while freezing upperarm motion in a bid to simulate a bit of scapula rotation there seems to be no support for this.

EDIT RIG FILE opens my character with the control rig displayed but the two buttons at the top read: < Skeleton Placement Build Control Rig > which seems a bit odd. Edit Rig places me on the skinning dialog with the control rig visible on the character. So does pressing Build Control Rig again replace or duplicate the rig? My efforts to test this fail with:

Error: RuntimeError: file C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.6/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 6679: setAttr: The attribute ‘root.translateX’ is locked or connected and cannot be modified.

EDIT RIG FILE then press Skeleton Placement button results in:

Error: ValueError: file C:/Program Files/Epic Games/4.6/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 10882: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘Nothing counted : no polygonal object is selected.’

Sorry to add to the workload if any of these are real issues.


in Maya 2014, When I create a skeleton and go to the skeleton placement phase, everything is scaled down.

Initial setup created, the mesh and the bone setup are about 180 cm.

If I click once on the Reset button, everything is then scaled up. I’ve been watching the learning videos, and I don’t see this happening. The problem is then that I end up with a skeleton that’s about 450 cm high by default.

Because of this bug, I am uncertain if I should click at least once the Reset Button after creating a skeleton / proxy mesh and then start to work with the scaled up version, or just avoid clicking the reset button and continuing the process, but risking that I might face other scale related issues down the road.

I would really appreciate if someone could let me know if they are experiencing the same issue and how they deal with it.


Ah, I think you are right. In that case I might have mistakenly submitted this question to the wrong thread. For some reason I thought this was an art issue. My bad! But thanks for your help!

Importing Weights
When I’m attempting to rig a mesh I tend to save the skeleton definition and the joint template to speed recovery from Maya crashes. After the crash or if I need to make an edit - I’ll reopen the mesh, create a new ART character, load the skeleton definition, and load the joint template.

At this point there is no skeleton to bind to. I move on to the Deformation Setup screen which triggers the skeleton creation. I don’t let ART create weights for the proxy mesh.

Then I get a series of message boxes telling me a weight map has been found for the various mesh segments and asking if I want to import / import all / skip. Selecting Import will typically crash Maya and doesn’t make sense as the workflow has never given me a chance to bind the skeleton and ART doesn’t seem to attempt this binding.

So to avoid a crash I must cancel every import query. It would be great to see some improvements on how rigging works with custom mesh but at the very least it would be huge help to give us a ‘cancel all’ which would eliminate dozens of mouse clicks on my character.

I have found a solution to this issue today and just posted it on the AnswerHub:

Basically, you just need to open the JointMover.mb file in Maya 2015 and re-save it.

…\Unreal Engine\4.7\Engine\Extras\Maya_AnimationRiggingTools\MayaTools\General\ART\JointMover.mb

After doing that, no more crash when building the rig and you can also save (I couldn’t save a file as soon as I had the ART tool data inside the scene, it would crash on save)

I am loving this tool so far! But one thing I would really like is a feature that can flip key frames horizontally or vertically. I want to flip one of my animations horizontally. It would save me tons of time. Thanks! :slight_smile:

hello! when are we getting facial rigging tool kit? and that awesome custom rigging? :smiley: any ETAs?

Hi, I would like to report a bug, it’s about inconsistency of blendshape/morphtarget animations on Build/Standalone Mode!

I really need some help on this!


Hey all,

I’ll be trying to catch up on this thread throughout the week. As you’ve likely seen, Epic’s doing some crazy stuff this week! Stay tuned for the rest of our awesome GDC announcements/news!
In the meantime, here is a presentation I did for our animators at work on the status of the V2 tools.

This would be good for posting in answerhub, as it doesn’t relate to the animation and rigging toolkit. Thanks!

I touch on this a tiny bit in that link I posted, but this might sum it up better: