Thx, it seems it worked when u described the rigth way to do it, still getting some issues with animation rig and gonna post bugs later, but for now I will try to enchance my skills with ue4.
Any chance there will be a tutorial about character usage in ue4?
Well now my Unreal won’t even get past the splash image when loading. Is there a way to reset some hidden file back to defaults so it at least launches. I have fully deleted it and re-installed it with no success, plenty of crash reports.
Does anyone have this working in maya 2012? It says this version is supported but I get errors every time I try to generate anything. Script editor is saying “# Error: RuntimeError: Unknown Maya file version: 2013.” but it doesn’t say what file the error is coming from so I don’t know how to fix it. I haven’t touched maya in over a year, so I may be missing something obvious.
I posted a topic on pixologic forums for a small problem that i encounter when i try to use their magic “goz” button.
The only problem is the up axis of maya. Your tools require to have Z as the up axis while the gozbrush application export to maya with Y as the up axis. There is apparently no option on their side to switch the YZ axis.
So is there a possibility to leave maya with Y as the up axis if i want to have the model facing the same direction in all 3d packages?
Will there ever be a version where we use individual parts to set up a creature with 8 legs and wings, a dog, and other non biped creations? Anzovin has a setup machine for Games that allows you to use individual parts to make an assortment of creations from bipeds to dogs to octopi.
Hopefully this will be part of a huge, future update. Please. A.R.T is amazing!!!
It’s not ideal, but at the moment you can start the ART process, build the initial skeleton, import your custom mesh, resize the ART skeleton to match your mesh, delete and remove your mesh from the scene and finish the remaining ART steps. Then, in the AnimRigs folder for your ART projects, open up your file, import your mesh, select all of the joints in the root hierarchy, and manually bind your mesh and paint the weights.
I’ll take another look now. I haven’t been running into this issue here at work or at home, unfortunately, which makes it a bit difficult to track down. Will report back shortly with my findings.
This issue is now fixed and the dropbox files have been updated (you only need to grab the file. This includes the error you were having @jwfitt (# Error: RuntimeError: file D:/UE4 Rigging Tools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 8714: Problems occurred with dependency graph setup. # ), which only occurs if you try to use the auto-project weights feature.
Looks like it’s working as expected now! I’ll definitely be playing with it quite a bit the next few days and will let you know if I run into anything else.
2.the proxy mesh looks very odd in maya viewport : ( not sure waht can cause this issue ? viewport 2.0?)
now the most annoying bug i get with ART on each version of maya 2012, 2014 and now 2015
look at the previous screen ( ) and more particuliarly the background gradient set by default is remove every time I Build the final Rig.
i had to reset to default the main Color preferences settings that i had just set up with this new maya 2015 installation, so it no really productive.
You should try to set the gradient background in your preference if is not the case, so you could maybe reproduce this issue, if you don’t hav that problem with your viewport.
i am not only mentioning an issue with maya 2015, and globally i already fixup all this problem on my own side , i m just posting here a lists some issues so should know about.
The issue with the viewport is not only 2015.
But somehow, thank you for the infomation 310thirty.
Can confirm I’m getting the same error (# Error: ValueError: file D:/UE4 Rigging Tools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ line 944: could not convert string to float) when trying to use the premade hand pose library. However, when I create my own custom poses they seem to be working fine.
InActionJackson got the same issue as me. I narrowed it down to it being general/ART/JointMover.mb, It seems as if it’s created with Maya 2013, and as such it can’t be read by Maya 2012.