I updated the dropbox folder with these fixes just now.
Dropbox - MayaTools - Simplify your life?
That should fix your tiny window problem
I updated the dropbox folder with these fixes just now.
Dropbox - MayaTools - Simplify your life?
That should fix your tiny window problem
Another dev blog update on V2!
It says your account is generating too much traffic and they temporarily disabled it. Any other way I can get the latest?
try again! Just contacted their support staff and they fixed it!
Now it’s working, thank you.
The other day I was animating and somewhere in the process I saved a pose that I liked to the pose editor. Today I wanted to reuse that same pose so I loaded it and everything looked fine except for the fk arm controls that were in a completely different pose. After some digging in the scene where I saved the pose, I found that the groups fk_orient_world_loc_r and fk_orient_world_loc_l had different values than in my new scene (I’m guessing because I change the orientation space of the arms at some point).
Is there a way around this? Should I check those 2 nodes first everytime I want to save a pose? or maybe I did something wrong when I saved the pose? Thanks.
Hmm, it should have thrown up a warning when saving about the arms not being in a default space. I’ll have to check the code again when I get to work tomorrow to make sure that is still happening. Sorry about that! The temporary workaround would be to switch the arms to IK so they match the fk, then save. That way at least, you’ll be able to always accurately get the hands in the right place when loading the pose and can match back to fk if you want. Not ideal, but if you’re being blocked by this, that might be a good alternative until I get a chance to look at it.
Just stumpled upon another bug. As soon as I export an animation to FBX I can’t save the Maya file anymore. Maya just says that it can’t save the file. Nothing more.
Does anyone else has this problem?
V2 is looking pretty nice
Hmm, is the file somehow read only? That is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard. Are you exporting using the export motion tool? That doesn’t really do much except create a copy of the skeleton, constrain it to the original, and bake data down. Then it exports an FBX and deletes the copy of the skeleton. Not sure why that would alter your scene state to be no savable. I wish Maya gave something more useful in terms of the reason
If you want to email me a file, I’ll gladly take a look. Sorry for your trouble!
And thanks on V2! I’m really looking forward to releasing it. I definitely think it will be a massive improvement!
Mmmhh…got a strange thing going on…
In Maya, after creating the skeleton and rig file everything is ok, but when I export the charcter to UE4 looks like its floating…in Persona I can clearly see that the character is quite above the ground plane, while if I drag&drop the character nto the scene its a couple of cm above the ground…
Anyone is having the same issue?
Hi guys,
Terribly interested in playing around with the tools. I read on the front page that you were currently working on a port to Mac OS - do you have any time frame for us on when we could expect that?
I’ve got a devblog setup here I keep updated weekly:
As you can see on there, we’re in crunch right now for one of the games, so it’s been put on hold for a couple of weeks. I’m still hoping for a release before the new year though. Terribly sorry about that, but I think that’s the best I can do with all we have going on.
I’m new to facial character animation. Would I use leaf bones for my facial rig until the facial system gets developed? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
As of now, since the good is working on it, I would suggest to build your own facial rig using Maya native joints, then attach the facial rig to the ART skeleton and add the influence in the main rig
Really?? What are we making, IMAX films? This needs to be scaled down please because it makes your product a useless waste of time on any system with less resolution. Because the “end result” buttons are usually at the bottom. Can the windows be made resizable, or at least put a scroll bar on the side of them??
Grrrr at you!
Hey guys, I’m having some problems with the tools when building the control rig. Whenever I try to build the rig, it asks for a name and then the screenshot window pops up, but after taking the screenshot the building process suddenly stops. I’ve never gotten past 0%.
I’ve discovered that it only creates the “rig pose” file, but nothing more. After hitting the screenshot button, it creates that file, opens a blank scene and nothing else happens. I’ve also managed to find am error that appears after hitting the screenshot button and stays around 1 second, then disappears: #Error: RuntimeError: The namespace name “:” contains no legal characters.
I’ve tried updating the tools from the dropbox link, still doesn’t work. If anybody can help me I would be really grateful. Thanks!
Guys I’ve never done this before, my field is actually programming not Animation… Is there a way for me to open the default 1st Person Mesh/Skeleton on Maya and add animations to it? I am not fond of losing the default animations, I only want to make 2.
With regards to the Animation Starter Pack by Epic; what’s the suggested base skeleton configuration when using the Character Rig Creator? I ask because I have a custom mesh I’d like to rig and skin, but I don’t want to have any issues if I decide to use that animation pack as my starting point. Are there certain number of neck bones, twists, ball joints, etc. that I should use? Thanks.
What is the best way to animate with a prop with an ART rig?
I’ve tried connecting a sword prop to a weapon leaf node with a parent constraint. I’m able to animate fine by doing this, but I’m getting a strange error on exporting the animation:
[FONT=courier new]# Error: ValueError: file C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.4/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ART_exportMotion.py line 1411: No object matches name: character:hand_r|character:weapon1 #
There doesn’t appear to be a character:weapon1 node in the scene. The leaf node that I attached via the ART setup is called character:weapon. Any ideas what is going wrong, or a better way to do this?
I have problem when try to [Skeleon Placement] pressed for build skeleton…
The error message is :