When I try to spawn new instances of this Blueprint in the level editor using Spawn Actor Class, nothing happens.
I think because I have to manually tell the actor which track to reference when I drop an instance in by hand.
Ideally i would like to control the spawn rate and vary location and expose these to sequencer.
You mean, you can spawn your cart BP but cart doesn’t follow spline ? If so you need to set reference to your SplineMesh bp and if you have multiple spline meshes inside your world, you need to set correct index of the spline mesh you want to access:
Thanks very much for your answer. Sorry for the delay, i had typed out a reply and it didn’t post for some reason. I am still struggling with this although I know it is quite simple!
Should I have one spline actor BP. then another BP for the mesh- Within that look up the spline.
Then I can spawn these procedurally and they will find and follow the spline?
Am I right in thinking all these bps should be in the event graph? Or should spawning be done in level BP. I only have one level, it’s for a short animation.