Animating scale of bones in Blender. Results are different in Unreal. (Squash and Stretch help)

Hey all.

In some of my character animations, I’m scaling bones to add a little squash and stretch. But when they move from Blender to Unreal, I notice that Unreal and Blender have different ideas about how to handle scaled bones.

I’ve seen many people on the forums talk about this before, but no one seems to offer any solution. What options are there? Are there other good ways to add SnS deformers if not through bones?

[quote=“JustJunuh Official Website, post:1, topic:1856486, full:true, username:JustJunuh”]
Hey all.

In some of my character animations, I’m scaling bones to add a little squash and stretch. But when they move from Blender to Unreal, I notice that Unreal and Blender have different ideas about how to handle scaled bones.

I’ve seen many people on the forums talk about this before, but no one seems to offer any solution. What options are there? Are there other good ways to add SnS deformers if not through bones?

The issue you’re facing with bone scaling from Blender to Unreal Engine is a known challenge due to the differences in how both platforms handle bone transformations. Here are a few alternative methods to achieve squash and stretch effects in Unreal Engine:

Morph Targets/Shape Keys: Instead of scaling bones, you can use morph targets in Unreal Engine (also known as shape keys in Blender). This method involves creating different versions of your mesh with the desired deformations and blending between them.
Animation Blueprints: Utilize Unreal Engine’s Animation Blueprints to procedurally control mesh deformations during animations. You can create custom nodes that adjust the mesh based on certain parameters, like velocity or impact.
Vertex Shaders: Write custom vertex shaders that apply squash and stretch deformations to your mesh. This can be based on animation parameters or physics simulations.
Control Rig: Unreal Engine’s Control Rig system allows for more advanced rigging setups within the engine itself, which can include squash and stretch logic that doesn’t rely on bone scaling.
Physics-Based Deformations: Implement physics-based solutions where the mesh deforms according to simulated forces, which can naturally produce squash and stretch effects.

It’s important to note that each of these methods has its own set of trade-offs regarding performance, complexity, and control.

I hope my suggestion is helpful for you.

Best Regard,

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