Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems that animating the Rate Scale of an emitter doesn’t give the expected results.
Assuming the Spawn Rate is 20, the emitter lifetime is 10 with 1 loop.
Animating the rate scale from 0 in time 0 to 1 in time 1 gives me a static spawn rate (the rate isn’t the same as if the Rate Scale has a constant 1 but still it’s pretty static). Doing the opposite, rate scale of 1 at time 0 and rate scale of 0 at time 1 just gives me 1 -2 particles every so often.
Animating the curves results in no particles to spawn.
I wasn’t sure if time 1 equals the whole lifetime of the emitter, so I tried 10 too. Things were even worse when I did that.
On a similar topic, animating the Scale Colour/Life in Emitter Time, gives me odd results too.
This is making it insanely difficult to create a charge up effect.
Let me know if there’s a work around or if I’m doing something wrong.
Thank you