So I’m trying to Animate my pump action shotgun I made. But I have no idea how I should do it to be used in VR.
The idea in the game that the game requires you to pump the shotgun to reload. It will have 8 bullets before needing to pump again. The second controller (Hand) will need to attach itself to the pump section and the player will have to pump to reload.
I’m guessing that I will attach a collision box to the pump section, when the hand overlaps it should switch out the player hand to one that looks like it is gripping the pump. And give the option for the player to let go if they want.
(Feel free to show me a blueprint example)
Back to the main question. In the picture below the pump section and the main gun are two separate parts combined. When I put a skeleton in there will be one in the middle section of the gun as the parent, the next in the handle and the last in the pump. I’ll weight the handle to flood the gun, and I’ll flood the pump section on the correct bone. Is this the way I should do it or is there an easier way to do it?
(Examples/download-able examples would be nice).