Animating CineCamera manual focus causes random jumps to negative values while animating.

For example, changing the manual focus from 0 to 50 to 100 to 250 to 800 over a 5 second timespan- usually during the last two keyframes (so 250 to 800) in this case, the value will randomly dip to a very large negative number while animating, but then end up at 800 as expected. This obviously causes some big visual issues as the camera rapidly goes way out of focus for a second or two during the transition.


Can you check out your animation curves for the Manual Focus Distance in the Sequencer Curve Editor? From there you can adjust the curve tangents if they are dipping down for whatever reason.



Thank you, worked great :slight_smile:

I have the same problem, consistently.
I keep deleting all keyframes and starting over, or even deleting the camera all together.
The curve editor helps, but why does it happen?

The camera transform also rotates without being asked to do so.