Animating CameraBoom/SpringArm Angle

Hello everyone,

I have a third person character, and I would like it so when the player crosses a triggerbox, the angle of the spring arm changes. I’ve been trying to figure it out but can’t seem to get it to work. Any ideas?

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Optionally, cast Other Actor to the third person char BP if you want only the controlled Pawn to trigger it.

However, a lot depends on your current camera setup which we know nothing about. The above would work in the default third person template. It would instantly switch the angle. If you need a smoother transition:

  • enable Camera Rotation Lag
  • or interpolate (control) rotation with Timeline + Lerp or Tick + rInterpTo

I have a camera attached to a springarm.

I had already added the OnActorBeginOverlap(TriggerBox) to the Level BP. I couldn’t figure out how to add it to the player BP. Didn’t think that was possible.

By camera setup I meant Control Rotation inheritance, note:

This camera does not rotate on its own - something else handles it - the rotation values are inherited from the player controller. That’s why in the previous post we effect Control Rotation rather than the rotation of Springarm component itself.

It is but it’s not necessary. Where to place the script depends on what we’re doing - what the scenario is.

  • if this is a one time effect, you might as well do in the level blueprint as in the original suggestion
  • for a reusable effect, you could create actors and have them change the player’s perspective
  • or you could handle it in the player directly:

You could tag the trigger component and have the player check what they run into. Somewhat hamfisted but could work in a pinch.

So this is pretty much what I would like to happen:

Maybe more info is needed: This is a top-down style game, anytime the player passes this trigger box, the camera moves from position A to position B. If the player goes back in the way they came, the camera will return to position A.

Here’s the details for my camera boom:

Thanks again for taking the time to help me.

Again, if this is just a single instance of this behaviour, do it in the level blueprint - use a Timeline and Lerp between transforms. If it’s supposed to be reusable, wrap the behaviour in an actor BP and have it affect the player.

What is the standard behaviour of the player moving outside of the trigger boxes? Is the camera static or follows the player.

  • we walk around and the camera tracks us, and moves with us using the top-down perspective
  • can we control the camera at this point? rotate and shift it?
  • enter the trigger: the camera smoothly switches to a new perspective and becomes fixed (?) in place
  • we leave the trigger: the camera smoothly returns to the player and works as in the 1st bullet point

How close am I?

Wow! That looks great.
The camera is supposed to always be following the character.

I am not sure what I’m doing wrong though in regards to getting the triggerbox into the Player BP.
When I put the triggerbox in the Level BP, The Set Control Rotation is not available.

It’s a function of the player controller. Get Player Controller → drag a wire → search for the thing. Nodes are context sensitive and the Action menu filters stuff that makes no sense out.

Thanks for that.
I’m just still at a loss at how I make the camera change angles and continue to follow the player.

  • create an actor with this script:

  • place those actors in the level:

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You’re a genius!
This worked. However I wanted it to stay at position B once you leave the box. and the return to position A once you pass through it again.

I removed the End Overlap, and I added a FlipFlop after Cast To and B to Reverse in the Timeline.

That worked. Thanks so much for your help :slight_smile: