Animated particle system

Is there any documentation or example with Animated particle system?
Which it shown Particles with Bill Kladis | Feature Highlight | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Hi Mateusz -

We do have some documentation on the setup of the Vertex Animation system which is available here:

Vertex Animation Tool in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

The documentation shows how to do the basic setup in Max and importing the mesh asset into the engine. For the particle information I worked up a small test project for you to dig through. It is very rough but the basics are all there for you to dig through.

Using the same teapot example from the documentation I have a put together the popping teapots:


The biggest difference is just your material setup in which you would reference the particle control structure with Particle Color and Dynamic Parameter:

Let me know if you have any further questions -

Eric Ketchum

[Test Project][3]


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Thank you very much, very useful :smiley:

Thank you!