Animated Loading Screen

I know this has been posted many times but how do you actually do a animated loading screen, like the circular throbber in the widget blueprint. I found a guide on the wiki but could not understand what the author meant in step 3.
The guide:

I also found this link(How do I make a Loading Screen? - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums) but Im not really sure how to start coding using ue4, only been using bp in ue4 until now.

Thanks in advance.


This is a basic lesson on how to create a boot screen. I think it will help you.

Loading Screen / Level Transfer Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial : Loading Screen / Level Transfer - YouTube

How to create a MainMenu with basic loading screen in Unreal Engine 4 using blueprints How to create a MainMenu with basic loading screen in Unreal Engine 4 using blueprints - YouTube

Is there any way for me to do a animated loading screen, I’ve done the basics one but would like to learn how to do the animated kind of loading screen.