I want my character to open a door with animation; hand pushing down a door handle and open a door.
Basically I need two animation working together right?
First animation - door with animated door handle going down.
Second animation - character hand pushing down in the air.
So we stack those two animation together. Is that how it works? Or there is any other way to make it?
That’s one way to do it. Another way could be to use AnimNotifies to trigger assigning a reference in the door handle to the character’s hand bone, and then on Tick, have the handle follow the bone’s relative rotation (but only on one rot axis so it stays mounted in the door of course).
Then a second AnimNotify clears the reference. In the handle’s tick, it checks for the reference to be valid before doing any rotation updates.
Another way is to do like the above but have the notify trigger the door handle’s timeline to move the handle.
But the way you mentioned is probably the one that will make the two animations sync the best. My first suggestion makes it more like a dynamic interaction driven by the animation.
There’s probably a few other ways too. Not sure what industry standard way is though. Have you asked Google?
Hmmm. I tried to find answer in google but no luck
Do u knw something about IK bones. Somebody told me that is the correct way doing it.
iK bones make it so you can place the hand bone anywhere that it can reach. And the elbow bone will follow it automatically. I have used this when authoring skeletal animation sequences but i dont know how to make it dynamic in unreal so you can just move the hand bone during gameplay. That is probably what you need to learn how to do.
Attache hand to door handle animation and arm will follow. No?
Yes that is the right idea but I dont know how to tell those bones to be only IK driven in gameplay instead of following character’s animation.