Animated background for 2D platformer

Hello, back again with another rocket science question. i set up a basic rough draft of a background for a game Im working on in paper 2D. When drawing up the map I cant seem to add animated sprites to the tileset window. However it looks like I can place them manually onto the viewport. Not sure if thats how its intended to be or if its possible to place an animated background in the tileset window. Not at computer rn so hopefully this is enough info to run on.

-2D paper

  • want animated background (blinky eyeballs, dripping blood etc)
  • not able to place in tileset when drawing map
  • can place animations manually into the viewport
  • how can I place animated backgrounds in tile editing viewport.

Also are there any in depth 2D platformer guides on epic games website? Havent seen any thank you.