Hello, what node set up would we use if we wanted to pop the UV to a neighbor UV coordinate? Like describing an animated bolt texture on a texture atlas?
Goal #1. If we had a 4x4 grid and wanted to offset the UV along the top row… down to the bottom right The UV start at the upper left corner 0,1 then we wanted to pop the UV to 0,0.25, then pop to 0,0.5 , then pop to 0,0.75 etc. all the way down the 16 quadrants to UV 1,0 in the bottom right. The UV would pop, not scroll.
Like describing an animated bolt texture on a texture atlas? How do you move the UV to the next bolt decal on the texture atlas to make it look like an animated bolt texture?
Goal #2. Can I also put each offset to the next UV as a variable or parameter I can plug into a “Control Rig” (Integer) controller that can run the UV offset left and right…the bolt would play forwards and backwards?
Hi! You can controll your materials from blueprint. 1. You need to create a material instance from your material(drive the UV with two paramater)
2. you need to create a blueprint from your mesh(right click on you mesh → asset action → create blueprint). Then you need to create a Dinamic Material Instance inside your blueprint. For this open your blueprint, and add a Create Dynamic Material Instance node for your blueprint(source material: your material instance) → Put a set scalar parameter value node for the output of the DMI node(set the scalar parameter node with your parameter name from your material instance), then drive the value with a timeline node. Sorry for my English!
How do I (set the scalar parameter node with your parameter name from your material instance)." I could not find a proper node to plug in a material instance parameter. I marked the names of the material instance parameters as #4 and #5 in the screen grab above.
Hi! In the “Set scalar parameter value” node there is a field calld “Parameter Name”. Write here the “U Offset”, and create an another “Set scalar parameter value” node, and fill it with the text “V Offset”. After that you can drive the parameters with a timeline node.
The only probleme is, you created this in the consruction script page. If you want to make this runing in game, you need to make this script in the “event graph” page.
Question: if I was to plug these set scalar parameters as Hard coded values / variable to plug into a Control Rig controller, is there a way to do that with the Time node?
Can I ask you one more question?
Goal: I want to create an integer variable in the Control Rig. The Integer will move the UV coordinates along the texture.
When the Integer variable is 0, the UV will be at 0,1.
When the Integer variable is 1, the UV will be at 1.25,1.
When the Integer variable is 2, the UV will be at 1.5,1.
When the Integer variable is 16, the UV will be at 1,1.
How can I create an integer variable that will work for Control Rig and a material?
Hello, how does the material and the dynamic material instance talk to each other?
If I enter values in the Dynamic Material Instance Set Scalar Parameter “U Offset” I do not see the Material instance with the value.
If I enter a value in the material instance U Offset, I do not see it in the Dynamic Material Instance Set Scalar Parameter.
Did I forget to do something?