Animate camera between 4 rotate toggles

As an absolute beginner in the Unreal Engine I’ve encountered a problem. I would like the single camera to have a smooth transition between each toggle around a pivot point. I’ve been attempting different ways I’ve seen on these forums but I haven’t found the solution as of yet. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

How is this supposed to work? Do you want the camera to rotate only for as long you hold the button down and come to a resting stop one it’s reached 90 degrees?

Or do you want to tap the buttons once and let the interpolation take you there through the full 90?

The blueprint in itself is functioning how I want it to. A camera attached to a pivot point in which controls the camera to turn 90 degrees each time the player presses q or e. Alike that to an old ps1 game pressing r1 and l1 to turn the camera 90 degrees but I cant figure out how to make a smooth “animation” to go between the rotations each time one of the buttons are pressed.

each time the player presses q or e

That’s what I found confusing. The way you hooked it up looks as if you only wanted the rotation to happen while the user is holding the button down.

You will need to split it into 2 logical elements:

  • setting desired rotation
  • tick interpolation

This can be improved by Gating the Tick and preventing the player from spamming the key.

Hope I understood you correctly.