Animate Blueprints using keyframes

Hello, I’m trying to animate an object in my fortnite map to make it look like floating. The player should hit the object to gather some materials. I’ve made the animaton using the level sequence. Now I’ve noticed that I have to make a blueprint for the object so the object is getting a prop so the player can hit it. But now when I drag and drop the blueprint into the level sequence, I can’t animate the blueprint. I’m new to this so I don’t know how I should fix that or if there is any other easier way to do what I wanted to achieve. I tried to research for my problem but since 2 days I haven’t found anything.

Also I’m not a native speaker, so sorry if there is something I explained super confusing.
Thanks in advance.

Can you send some screenshots?

Don’t know what exactly you want but I mean this level sequencer. Can you put in keyframes for blueprints? When I press enter, there is no keyframe made.

You should be able to create a track by clicking on that plus (“+”) icon.

As for your question, your blueprint must have a mesh tied to it otherwise you wouldn’t be able to add that to the sequencer in the first place. So yes, you should be able to animate that mesh that blueprint is controlling.

Okay I’ve added a mesh and added a transform track to the sequencer. That was the solution. I didn’t know that the thing I have to add was the “transform” track. Thank you very much