_Anim suffix added when it shouldn't when importing animations

According to this code in

	if (bUseSourceNameForAsset || !OverrideAssetName.IsEmpty())
		if (MeshesImportedNodeCount == 1 && StaticMeshNodeUids.Num() > 0)
			UInterchangeStaticMeshFactoryNode* StaticMeshNode = Cast<UInterchangeStaticMeshFactoryNode>(InBaseNodeContainer->GetFactoryNode(StaticMeshNodeUids[0]));
			const FString DisplayLabelName = OverrideAssetName.IsEmpty() ? FPaths::GetBaseFilename(InSourceDatas[0]->GetFilename()) : OverrideAssetName;

		//Animation, simply look if we import only 1 animation before applying the option to animation
		if (AnimSequenceNodeUids.Num() == 1)
			UInterchangeAnimSequenceFactoryNode* AnimSequenceNode = Cast<UInterchangeAnimSequenceFactoryNode>(InBaseNodeContainer->GetFactoryNode(AnimSequenceNodeUids[0]));
			const FString DisplayLabelName = (OverrideAssetName.IsEmpty() ? FPaths::GetBaseFilename(InSourceDatas[0]->GetFilename()) : OverrideAssetName) + TEXT("_Anim");

If I have Use Source Name for Asset and leave the Asset Name empty ( see bottom part of code) it should import the asset with the name as is. However the _Anim suffix is added.

If I turn off Use Source Name for Asset and leave Asset Name empty the animation sequence is imported without the suffix.

But the code suggest it should be the other way around?

What gives?

Windows 11
File type imported: GLTF/GLB ( Interchange pipeline )
Using Unreal 5.3.2