Currently we have some animations played through code by a PlaySlotAnimationAsDynamicMontage call. As of 4.11 anim notifies within the first ~0.015 seconds of an animation played by this fail to trigger.
Changing the blend in and out rate to instant as well as changing the notify’s “Trigger Weight Threshold” and “Montage Tick Type” seems to have no affect.
Moving the notify further down in the animation allows it to trigger every time without issue.
Any idea what may be wrong here or if it is potentially a bug introduced with 4.11?
Thanks for reporting this, I was able to reproduce it and tested in both 4.10 and 4.11. It is a new bug with 4.11 and appears to be dependent upon the length of the animation itself. For example, with the animation I used, the threshold was frame 0.55. It also occurs with montages. I’ve entered it in our system as UE-29149.
If you are playing your animations through a C++ function call like we were in our game it is possible to get a reference to the UAnimSequenceBase that is being played. Using this you can loop through all the animnotifies and manually handle calling them.
While not ideal and may cause an animnotify to trigger twice, it is working for us for now.
Thank you .
We are thinking of deleting the animation notify implementations and doing as you’re suggesting, call them manually. This would probably avoid the double trigger you mentioned. We are also testing if reverting to 4.10 for a time is OK, and the 4.12 version from github.