Anim Notify Event doesn't work

It works for my player character. For my AI characters (I tried 2 different BP’s with different meshes and skeletons), my skeleton notifies on montages doesn’t work. I can see them in ABP and call a simple Print function. It’s never called.
When I add Play Sound or other stuff they also work. Only skeleton notifies have this problem. And again, my player character also works fine.

any BP picture? i got nothing useful message here.

Plus, that may should be asked in BP & programing, I think these maybe got sth. trouble of programing in fact.

I changed the category. thanks for the heads up.
Here I provide the screenshots:

It’s a very simple set up. My player character works in the exact same way, my AI characters don’t. That PlaySound notify also works, only skeleton notifies don’t.

I don’t know if this is the best way to do it. From the anim BP, you have to do what you did above and call the powder blue function also. You can’t just call the event alone. You have to add the function to trigger the event. I use this event to trigger the Niagra arrow particle, but that’s an option in the animation sequence editor. You can also cast to the anim BP in from character BP.

The way I did was the way I always do. And as I said, it works for my player character.
Anyways, I created custom anim notifies and they work. Seems like the skeleton notifies are the only ones that have problem. Maybe a bug or something. The problem isn’t solved but I don’t need it to be solved anymore.

Cool, sorry bout that. Yeah, I thought it was strange it didn’t work also. You would think it would.

i dont know your print string work or not.
If work. you can try to cast to your AI BP ,the way should be cast to XXXXX(The name of your AI’s BP), and select your AI AS Object target. and play montage animation try to play the animation for your AI ,try it and find is there got anything useflu.

Maybe your animation or montage Skeleton which you add notify is different with your ABP skeleton. I had retarget many different Animation Pack cause to this problem.Sometime,compitable skeletons can get notify from each other,but sometimes can not,you have to replace your animation skeleton same with your ABP‘s Class Setting. I solve it do this.

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