Animation reverts back to its original state every time I try to draw the axe
Hey @Twan_so-kl!
There’s not a lot to go on here, unfortunately. If you could show us a good deal more, we will definitely try to help, but just seeing this there’s not enough clues to solve the issue. Your code is essential as are things like animation graphs, Montages, anything you’re using here!
Get back to us with that stuff and we can do our best to sort it out!
Yeah, I understand I had to go back and change the animations and some code, so my new issue is that before equipping the axe there’s a bit of jittering and also when it sheaths it, and the next issue is the axe walking animation only plays once then freezes, here are the videos of it and the animgraph
So as for the twitching that’s going to be in the blend settings for your transitions- just click on them once in your animgraph to select them and adjust in the details on the right. I tried to look at them but I can’t pause at the right time in your video and it’s too fast to catch.
As for the freezing, you need to set the animation to looping- I believe either it’s on the animation state itself or the animation file!
Hope this helps, let us know!
thanks, so what I did was deleted that old code and created a blend space for it, it seemed easier since it was just axe idle and axe walk but then I got another issue that I think is in my code where the player unequips the axe there’s this little fidget
Hey great, that’s progress!
So it looks like you need to mess with the blend settings, it seems like it’s rewinding a bit to correctly blend!
Ok that’s good to know been on for a week now, about the blend settings which one specific should I tweak I don’t want to break something and unreal crashes.
It’s hard to say as they all work off of each other. You need to make a backup and just try things and EVERY time you change anything make sure you’re able to watch for any differences, using the previewer.
Always make backups! UE will inevitably crash, it happens to the best projects.
Also backups make you able to experiment and not worry about any errors, if anything gets “worse” just roll back to your saved backup!
Dang, I don’t know much about blend space settings, and I couldn’t find any YouTube videos with this specific problem. what setting would you suggest I play with though just need a push in the right direction
Try out these settings on the transition back from holding axe. I’d extend the duration first. Also check your blueprints and make sure there isn’t any montage or anything trying to combat it!
I got a solution don’t know if it was the right call, but my un-sheath montage had a notifier I just moved it around and it worked, but now my attack animation won’t work with the blend space it’s kind of stuttering any tips?
I’d love to help but I would need to see more information. The Montage file, the animation graph as it currently is, if there are any notifier interrupts… Also try using “Play Montage” instead of “Play Anim Montage”.
Sorry for the extremely late reply, but I did get a solution from some of the things you said. Now I have an animation problem with my enemy where when it walks it walks sideways, help would be really appreciated
Hey again @Twan_so-kl!
You need to rotate your enemy’s skeletal mesh. You see the move grabber widget? The RED arrow is character forward. You need to rotate it 90 degrees to its left in the Character Blueprint.
Hope that does it for you!
I should be ashamed thanks for the help though mad respect
No problem! Glad to help! If you ever have any more questions, you know where to find us! Just make a new post and we’ll get it taken care of!