Anim montage doesnt play even with slot assigned in anim blueprint

Can’t get a simple animation montage to play in a character blueprint.

Yes, i have linked my state machine to a default slot in the animation blueprint.

Yes, i have create a new, custom slot as well and made sure it was selected in the drop down menu for each animation montage. This did nothing as well.

Yes, i have changed the blend in and out parameters, this didn’t change anything either.

What is the problem?

Pictures? Screenshots?

Is this a multiplayer game? Did you added custom slot to animbp? did you called playanimmontage properly? :slight_smile:

Pls more info and if you can add screenshots…

Here’s what I have as a test, my other blueprint is a little more complicated than this but even this test doesn’t work. I see the two print strings when i press P but the animation doesn’t play.

EDIT: Also doesn’t work whether the player character node is connected to the target or not. Though I’m not sure the anim montage node needs one to work.

I have a similar bug. I have set up a montage to a particular slot, and connected that slot node to my anim graph but for some reason the montage still doesn’t play. I’ve double checked that my nodes are firing and they definitely are. Where you able to find a solution?

I think the problem ended up being with the montage i was attempting to play. I made another montage and I have basically the same setup as my picture above but without the delay node connected to the anim montage node and it works as intended. You might try with a different animation or add a state in your animation blueprint for whatever animation you want to play and play it through the anim blueprint.