Anim graphs won't update calculated values.

Sorry for mistakes, i’m not native in English.

Hi there. I already spend 2 days trying to solve the problem. I checked everything and i found this problem: anim graphs don’t see any changes in variables inside one frame, if they were calculated after the anim graph execution beginning. Now I’ll show you on screenshots what the problem is.

Here i have pretty simple anim BP:

This anim BP inherited from my own cpp anim class, having some fields used for work, looks like this:

You can see in this setup the control rig node. It uses some values to work, like LeftFootTransform. This value calculated in another node nearby - Trace foot position. This is my own node wrote on C++, and this is works fine. This node calculate values based on actual pose, so it is very important for me there be actual values, not values from previous frame.

Let’s pause an execution and see on an example of some frames, what’s going on there.
Here a viewport with some debug data:

You can see here the calculated value for the left foot of character(highlited). The same value we can see on the first screenshot. Look like that all is fine, but it’s not. Let’s look into the control rig:

As you can see, it’s absolutely wrong value. And this is the value that has been calculated in the previous frame. Look at the value in the control rig after we go to the next frame:

The anim graph debugger shows values, that it doesn’t really uses. It shows right values, but in fact uses cached values from the previous frame.

Problem is not in the control rig - no matter how I use this value, this value is incorrect.

I tried to switch off this guy:

But only change is that it is now correct values in debugger, but still incorrect in fact.

Also, i found this way to set up values in code instead of just using ‘=’:

but it changed nothing.

So, the question is:
How to force an anim graph to update variable values and use this values immediately? I don’t have any more ideas to solve this by myself.