Anim export to fbx doesnt export scale

Hello people,
there seems to be an issue with UE 4’s fbx exporter. It doesnt export scale channels even if the animated skeletal mesh had animations on them.
In this thread I report an issue wich requires me to process some animation through 4.9 in order to have them properly work in 4.10
During that process I noticed that after exporting my animations back out of 4.9 the scale channel data is gone.
You can easily recreate that by just animating scale on any skeleton, importing to UE4 and exporting back out.

This is really bad as its statet that UE4 does support bone scale so I naturally expect it also to be supported when exporting assets back out of UE4… it cant be that difficult to implement some fbx export parameters… Or are there already some im not aware of?
