Anim curves are all wrong after retargeting

I retargeted advanced locomotion in Unreal market to my character by “retarget animation blueprint” once for all anim seqs, and of cource My abp is based on my own cpp class so I changed its parent class. All done well, except all anim curves in all anim sequences are complete mess renamed, like in anim RUN a curve “feet_position” was renamed as “enable_handIK_L” by absolute no reason. I just don’t get it, what part of UE4 have ability to change my anim’s anim curves?
Has anyone got this problem? Thanks



I found that only some crucial anim seq have wrong curves, like walk&run those in blendspace, other anims r good. If I retarget anims in old way(retarget those anims, not using abp), then all anim have correct curves

Hi all, any news from Epic about this bug?

The bug is still present in UE5.1. I implemented a custom animation modifier that properly copies over the animation curves. But this approach did not scale for a large animation system like ALS.

I am now working on a solution that will fix the issue. Sadly Epic seems not to be able to reproduce the issue. :frowning: