Angular Orientation Drive - when object stops it won't move again

I try to create component swinging toward mouse angle. I set Angular Orientation Drive Target and Angular Drives Params every tick. It moves at the beggining correctly, and even longer if I move coursor. It never reaches desired angle but it moves to it. However if I wait and constraint stabilize, it won’t move again after I change mouse position (what changes Angular Orientation Drive Target and should move component toward new angle).

Thank you!

Ok so I found that floor was making a friction. I disabled its collision. Also angular damping increased effect.

However the bug still exist if I wait longer. If I move my character it will move again. It looks like setting Angular Orientation Drive Target works only if there is any force applied to constrained objects. However if there will be no force, angular orientation drive is dead. Anyone knows what is the reason of that?

I am trying to create swinging sword/club mechanics without using Kinematic because it will probably end like this:

Is there a way to create physical object which is constantly rotating toward cursor with no collision issues?

I am experiencing exact same problem right now in UE4.27, did you solve it? it seems like the motor get into some sort of ‘sleeping’ mode, it stop response with my angular orientation target change…