Angular Motor stops object when too slow

I created a door in the VR template, and added a physics constraint to it, and then selected Twist and Swing in the Angular Drive Mode. However when I do this, whenever the door slows down too much regardless of whether its close to the target orientation or not, it stops moving and doesn’t return to the target orientation. If I put an object close to the door without touching it, it will continue to move slowly, but only while there is an object near it.

I’ve been trying for hours to figure this out and I cant find anything anywhere on this behavior.

Any help is appreciated

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Try this in the console:

p.Chaos.Solver.SleepEnabled 0

Because who doesn’t like to snooze…

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That did the trick!
Although is there a permanent solution like a setting I’m missing, because I would need to do this every time I reload the project.

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Put this on Begin Play for now:


It can probably be added to *.ini - never tested it, though.


Yeah it’s just a CVar so not serialized to any ini files.

That’ll do it!

What is the explanation here though, I don’t quite understand what this does exactly.

Sleeping is a common technique in physics engines that simply “turns off” physics for a given body.

Turning on this console variable means that Unreal’s physics engine, Chaos, will put physics object to sleep when its appropriate (usually when there are no other physics objects nearby)

This is commonly used to prevent situations like yours, where a physics object continues to simulate and is subject to minute forces producing small yet noticeable movements.

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I did mess around with the sleep family and sleep threshold multiplier in the mesh’s settings as well and didn’t do anything to solve the issue. Are these setting unrelated?

Those variable affect the sleep system.

If the sleep system is disabled, they will have no affect.

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