Android Toolchain Error

Ive seen questions about this error all over and just now found a fix. When trying to launch my project on any device i get this error LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Android toolchain NDK r12c not supported; please use NDK r14b to NDK r18b (NDK r14b recommended). I went to the NDK Archives and got installed the other versions of NDK for some reason r18b didn’t work the engine reconized it as r18c the only one that seems to be working is r17c. Is this a bug with the engine or have i just not been updating things good enough.

Same here, having same issue, was working before. reinstalled r18b and it still thinks it is r18c

No updates here?

Same problem with UE 4.24.1. ndk r18b is recognized as r18c.

This One worked for me , i choosed

i think, nobody can help us :s

I downloaded this version of the NDK and it worked for me after I updated to release (1R8) and I’m on 2.3

same problem

i have get solution and complete!

  1. Download and Unzip r14b version(it is recommend version)
  2. Edit > Project settings… > Platforms > Android SDK > Location of Android NDK > {your unzip directory)

happy nice day!

Same problem here … unreal advise this " please use NDK r21 to NDK r23 (NDK r21b recommended)"

Found the solution in 4.25 . Just got to project settings and Platforms - Android SDK and use a new NDK…al-engine-4-25 download from here NDK Downloads  |  Android NDK  |  Android Developers


Holy smokes!! Thank you very much friend **bluemagic-UK :wink: **I followed what you explained and worked like a charm :smiley:

I took the opportunity and extracted the folder in the same location that AndroidStudio created the files:


Thank you kind sir ! You save my mobile project from being stuck to 4.24 !

Just starting developing and I appreciate this! Thank you bluemagic-UK.

**bluemagic-UK you are a legend … : ) , **

They have updated the docs now and they follow almost the same instructions as the one Blackmagic suggested.

If you’ve previously been able to build for Android and find yourself back here… For me this solved the issue:

  1. I got the Android SDK location from Android Studio, browsed there to see what versions I had installed. Notably, I had …sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529 installed. The output log in Unreal told me “use NDK r21 to NDK r23” so this one seemed right.
  2. I copied the location of the above directory and pasted into the “Location of the Android NDK” in Project Settings → Android SDK.
  3. In the same settings, I set the NDK API level to “android-21”, used “matchndk” for the SDK.

Then I was able to build for Android again. (You likely will have to accept the SDK license under Project Settings → Android)

I had this: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ERROR: Android toolchain NDK r25b not supported; please use NDK r21 to NDK r23 (NDK r21b recommended)

Solution: run UnrealEngine\Engine\Extras\Android\SetupAndroid.bat