Android Tarketsdk 26 and Google VR issue

Compiling a build supporting Google VR Cardboard or Daydream, with Target SDK 26, as per new Google requirements for distributions, produces unusable builds, that run on black screen. (builds compiled in shipping mode)

All the same settings, just putting Targetsdk 25 or 24, in the Android settings field, produces working builds.

Putting targetsdk to 26, and disabling any VR plugin. Produces working builds.

So, there is something specific related to TargetSDK 26 and Google VR enabled, issue in working togheter.

I have the same problem!

The links direct to missing pages.

I reported this a while ago to Google here:
and they fixed it. You need to use their branch of the Unreal engine though for the fix:

Unfortunately it still has another blocking bug involving the back button:

Would be cool to get some more attention on it over there as that is the quickest way to getting a fix (Epic includes their updated plugin only on future versions of the engine)

You need to connect your Epic account to github as per: Unreal Engine 4 on GitHub - Unreal Engine

thanks, i am following the thread! And yes, i confirm the back button issue, upon the targetsdk26 fix.

thanks, i am following the thread! And yes, i confirm the back button issue, upon the targetsdk26 workaround.

Also must be said that the targetsdk26 issue, affects some devices, and some not.

FYI: There is now a fix available:

Tested and working for me - added to a source build from the GoogleVR branch