Android Query Owned Purchase Error

I have been able to make payments both test and live payments via the Make an In App Purchase V2 node and also successfully using the Read in app Purchase V2 node however the Query Owned Purchases and Restore in app purchases2 nodes just do not return any content.

By being able to make both live and test payments indicates my setup is correct therefore I can only conclude the Query and Restore nodes have bugs.

Without these nodes working I can not see how I or any game can release with IAP as there is no way a developer can determine if a player has made an IAP for such things as reinstalls, move to new phones etc

Yes, both Query and Restore IAP do not return anything to check, while Make a purchase and Read IAP work. I am wondering if you have found any solutions. I am using 4.26.1

Thank you very much for letting me know. I will ask about bug report there.

Here’s a link to another thread I raised on the issue, it doesn’t work in 4.26:

Did you get Read IAP Information 2 node to work without making the user sign into Google Play Games? The regular Read node works without this