Android packaging unknown error

When I tried to send file it said: This attachment is not permitted because the file type is invalid. So i made a rar file (No viruses. I promise).[link text][1]

110290- (1.03 KB)

Replace your old .xml file with this one, let me see the logs if there is a failure. Upload screenshots of your Project Settings > Packaging and your Project Settings > Platforms - Android



110383-110290- (2.11 KB)

The error still occurred when I changed the AndroidMainfest.xml. Here are the screenshots and the log.

[link text][2]

Please remove the [] from your APKPackaging Android Package name section. Here’s [your screenshot][1].

That’s what I removed in the XML file that should resolve the []. Sadly some special characters cause trouble when packaging, which can be frustrating.

Let me know!

I removed [] and the packaging went further, but still hit an error. It seams like this one might be related to the fact that I have a weird windows account logo in the name. I did rename the , but when I packaged the game unreal engine created a folder with that weird logo. And went for a android\debug.keystore from it not from the with the changed normal name. Is there a way to make it go for the android\debug.keystore from a different account? (I might also be wrong with my theory)
[link text][1]


[2016.10.13-21.46.53:755][432]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): [apkbuilder] Creating SpeleRun-debug-unaligned.apk and signing it with a debug key…
[2016.10.13-21.46.54:751][435]UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC1)): [apkbuilder] keytool error: C:\Users?\debug.keystore (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

Are you using the correct keystore?

  • [Signing Projects for Release][1]
  • [AnswerHub: Creating Keystore][2]

Signing Android Projects for Release on the Google Play Store with Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[2]: How do I create a keystore for signing my Android game - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

It worked! Thank you so much! All this nightmare which I brought upon us resulted in success.

You’re welcome! :slight_smile: