So I have this error message at the end of the log. Up until this point everything seems to go fine, so I’m posting the section that produces the error.
Other similar posts that I came across had different messages and mostly error code 5 for the automation tool, but I have 1.
Things I tried: -building in 4.14
-installing debugging symbols
-reinstalling udk4
-building for windows(it worked)
I just don’t know what to do with this pls halp
I read somewhere before that the path should not contain spaces. So basically you should not install it in Program Files folder
Try Installing the NVPACK in a different location a custom folder say called “NVPACK”
Like mine reads like D:\Me\Softwares\NVPACK (Notice no space)
Please make your necessary back-ups. This a just a suggestion solution. You will try it at your own risk, so do not blame me if you mess somthing up.
To do a clean re-install without downloading -
Just copy the “CodeWorksforAndroid” folder which contains folders like “001”,“002” etc. to a location.
Go to the install folder and run “uninstaller” program
After finished Go to engine-version\Engine\Extras\AndroidWorks\Win64\CodeWorksforAndroid.
Go through the wizard and download some small document in the “Chooser” and finish (others you can select “no action” option). (Make sure to change the default install location this time.)
Restart the PC at the end of the wizard when pop-up asks you.
Copy the CodeWorksforAndroid folder that you backed up in step one and overwrite the one in the newly installed folder.
Darn man,
I am pretty sure that the solution to your problem is fixing the path.
But since uninstaller is not working again due to the path. I don’t know about a clean uninstall.
Try uninstalling via program and feature → uninstall a program → It should have NVDIA CodeWorksforAndroid.
Also, just for your info. All the downloaded stuff is under the folder I mentioned in step 1. So you should be safe as far as it goes for downloading if you back it up.
unfortunately the programs and features option did not work either.
I managed to start it somehow however, after downloading an installer from their website, deleting some stuff, rebooting, crying, it somehow worked.
Now I’m having some weird file access nonsense within codeworks. It’s amazing how much one has to suffer with theese kinds of things.
Thanks for the help by the way!
How about simply deleting the folder (remember backup the CodeWorksforAndroid folder which has all the downloaded data) then go to System → Advanced System Settings → Under Advanced Tab → Environment Variables → Delete all the Relevant Variables to list → PATH, NVPACK ROOT, NVPACK_NDK_VERSION, NVPACK_NDK_TOOL_VERSION, NDKROOT, JAVA_HOME, GRADLE_HOME, ANT_HOME, ANDROID_NDK_ROOT and ANDROID_HOME, Then reinstall NVPACK to custom location.
Dunno man, It was a long time ago :D. I think I removed it somehow with an installer I downloaded. If that doesn’t work, I would try some kind of program removal tool so it also cleans out possible registry files.