link textTrying to package a project onto an APK and running into issues. The target hardware uses Android OS 4.1 and I try to use SDK version 16, Android min and target set to 16 in project settings and SDK setting to android-16.
The packaging process fails and reading through the logs shows it’s because of a javac compiler error. It’s missing the symbol ‘View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE’, which makes sense because this should not exist in pre-KitKat Android. I don’t know why it’s being checked for and causing a build failure. I have tried the packaging with a newer SDK (22) which compiles/packages fine, I can’t use this version however as my hardware uses 4.1 and cannot be upgraded.
The only option I know of in the project settings relevant is:
Platforms → Android ->APKPackaging
‘Enable Fullscreen immersive on KitKat and above devices’ which I have set to false.
Using Codeworks for Android 1R6u1 with UE 4.14 for Jellybean device launch.