Android: Move taken screenshot

Hi, I take a screenshot with Android with the console command “shot”.
This shot gets saved in UE4Game/Project/Project/Saved/Screenshots
Is it possible to move the screenshot to the Android ScreenCapture Folder?

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Hello, yes I also looking for the way to auto place it in a specific folder. Currently, it goes to InternalStorage\Ue4Game
how to change it to InternalStorage\DCIM\Screenshot
this is interesting

Hi guys, did you solve the problem?

not yet, I’ve noticed my Samsung S8 has an option to import images automatically from every folder, so I just used it as it is, but I would like to have an option to move them to the custom folder.

Same problem on Windows…

Any solution yet?


Thank you, I’m gonna try now.

This worked for me. I presume you can modify the path after /sdcard/ to your liking without any problems.