It would be great to see better mouse support on android. Yes Android supports mice and with the multi window support that is being demo’ed in Android N preview I think we will start seeing more android devices with a focus on a more desktop like experience.
Currently it seems to just treat it like a touch event when you click. It does not recognize mouse movement or hover events over UMG elements.
Android does support getting the hover position from the pointer as per: Android SDK ACTION_HOVER_MOVE
Hiding the mouse also doesn’t work on Android which would be important for FPS games. Unfortunately I don’t think android’s SDK directly supports hiding the mouse, you may be able to set an invisible mouse icon though Android SDK PointerIcon
Since it doesn’t appear that Android has a way to lock or set the mouse position, I’ve opened a feature request for a mouse lock on android which would make this much simpler: Android Issue Tracker #219251