The Application Packages just fine to Android. The problem is the app heavily uses the Microphone. The Microphone does not work unless I manually go into the settings of the phone and allow the Microphone Permissions.
How do I get the app on start up show the Android Permissions popup to Enable the Microphone?
Do I have something unchecked in Project Settings that’s bypassing the popup when Packaging?
Please Help
Edit: The app is being tested on the Google Play store, and this version also does not have the Permissions Popup
The main blueprint nodes to use are CheckAndroidPermission and RequestAndroidPermission. First you check if the permission “android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO” is true or false using CheckAndroidPermission and then if false, request the permission.
When called, RequestAndroidPermissions will open the Android flow popup that asks you to enable permissions and then the event that’s bound to it will get called when all of them have been set.
This is a simple implementation that only checks for the microphone permission but it gets the idea across (you can put it in a level blueprint or something)