I find myself suddenly unable to launch my project on android. Literally all I’ve done since the last launch is fix a bug in a couple blueprints, add some icons to the Android section, and increment the version display. It doesn’t fail, it just reaches a certain point and goes on trying to process that point indefinitely.
[Here’s the log.][1]
How are you launching or packaging onto your device? Please provide detailed steps. Are you working out of 4.8.2, are you using the engine from the Epic Games Launcher or GitHub? What type of device are you launching your project onto and what version of Android is it updated to?
Please provide as much information as you’re able to so that we can help you more swiftly. Thanks!
I’m launching it with the launch button in the editor, set to use all texture formats.
I have my phone connected by USB.
I’m using version 4.8.2 with the Epic Games Launcher.
I’m using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android version 5.0.
Also of note is that, when I try launching a project, it will delete any existing copy on my phone, but freezes before installing the new copy.
Where the log ends is where the launcher stops and just goes on loading indefinitely.
I’ve also noticed that my phone gets insanely hot after attempting a launch.
Packaging the APK to my PC for distribution succeeds, though I’m unwilling to upload it to the App Store in case there’s a game breaking error in it since I cannot test it on my phone.
I have attempted to reproduce this with a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and was unable to. I also noticed that it did not get very hot when it was launching onto the device, I also attempted packaging and launching that way too. Do you have another device that you can test on?
If not, could you please go to: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and look for ‘Monitor.bat’. Please run that program and take any that you can from your phone when you’re launching this project onto your device and starting it up. The more information that you can obtain for our developers, the better.
It seems the problem was actually with my computer itself, though I don’t know the cause. I shut my computer down overnight, and after turning it back on today the launches were suddenly working.
That’s wonderful. I’m glad to hear that everything is working for you at this time. Let us know if you need any additional assistance, have a great week!
The problem came back again today, and once again I was able to fix it by simply restarting my computer. This is just kind of a Band-Aid though, and if it will keep coming back, I’d really like to be able to find the source of the problem.
can anyone help me really quick? my iPhone 5 launches my game fine bu my galaxy S5 doesn’t launch the game when i click the app, However tappy chicken and Swing Ninja lauches perfectly fine on the android. HELP?