Android launch and build errors

Happy to, I’m just glad we figured it out, finally. Good luck out there!

So, i’ve created keystore following the instuctions in your links and switched to “shipping”. Yet, i receive package and build ant errors.

Dang, back to the ant.bat and compile failed again, huh. hmm. Couple of things. it’s possible that you need to compile the solution in Visual Studio. You can try loading the solution (make a blank C++ project for mobile if necessary) in Visual Studio and compiling for Configuration Development / Platform Tegra-Android. But that’s just a guess since I’m seeing:

Compile failed; see the compiler error
output for details.

Second try: Double check your Platforms-Android ‘Android Package Name’ is set correctly. Here is another thread where a user had that problem, he had literally put his project name in between the brackets and that causes the ant.bat error (amongst like a million other things). This is the one my money is on as I’m seeing:

package R does not exist

In your logs now where I didn’t see it before. So fingers crossed!

Already tried to compile in VS, same error.
Removed brackets, nothing changed. What else may cause this error?

Unfortunately, there’s a ton of things, including many that have nothing to do with the Engine. Double check that first link up at the top, it has a list of possibilities for the ant.bat error.

Ok, i’ll do it!
Thank you!

I can’t believe, but it has been packaged and even launched. I have no idea, what exactly helped, but my last steps were deleting everything in project folders: Binaries, Build, Intermediate, Saved/Backup. After that i’ve opened project in VS and rebuilded UE4 with configuration “Development-Android” and tried to launch new instance of my project from VS. And it launched.
Also, i’ve replaced UE4Editor dll and pdb with practically the same from another version of project, because without them project wouldn’t launch in editor.
Though i’ve succeded with building and launching, i still have problems with android version of project - i got black screen, when it’s launched and my phone drops “surface texture has been abandoned” error, when i touch the screen.
I’ve added logs from the editor and from the phone.
I wonder, if i shall post a new question about this problem, because it seems to be different topic?
Also, thank you again for support!

yes, if you don’t mind please do start a new thread for your different issue.
